View Full Version : a bowl and a platter

sascha gast
07-21-2005, 6:01 AM
another NIP project. bowl is about 18" dia, 9" tall, platter is cored from the same piece of wood and about 12" dia.
both were finish turned about 3 weeks ago and then i started the finishing process. this time i did about 15 sessions in the danish oil bath, about 12 hours at a time, so about 180 hours in oil, dried between baths.
wall thickness is 3/32 for the bowl(took 8 hours of turning including rough turning) and about 3 hours for the platter, about 1/8" and thinner at the rim.

thanx for looking


Dick Parr
07-21-2005, 7:45 AM
Sascha all that can be said is WOW :eek:

Those are beautiful. I really love what you do with that pine. :)

Fantastic job!

John Miliunas
07-21-2005, 8:03 AM
No offense, Dick, but "WOW" is an understatement!!! :D Those are drop dead awesome, Sasha! Especially that bowl just keeps me coming back to look again and again. Simply wonderful! Great job!!!:) :cool:

Jim Becker
07-21-2005, 10:06 AM
I really love how you are exercising the capacities of your new lathe as well as the wonderful work with the pine/oil. Awesome!

Ernie Nyvall
07-21-2005, 6:34 PM
Beautiful Sascha.


Dennis Peacock
07-21-2005, 7:26 PM

Simply beautiful!!!! Who'd a thought to soak wood in danish oil for a Buh-Zillion hours with drying in between baths could turn out so well. Thanks for sharing the pics.

sascha gast
07-22-2005, 4:24 AM
thanx guys, i just ordered another bunch of tha wood, small sizes though, but i still have another 13 pieces of up to 20" dia from my last shipment and now another 11 around 8" dia.
we'll see when they come in


Steve Plunkett
07-22-2005, 4:23 PM
I love seeing your work. Very inspiring.

Jason Solodow
07-24-2005, 9:56 PM

ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!! I love it! However, I would like to know where you get that wood. Please send me a PM or something to let me know who you get it from and how much you pay for it.. If memory serves you dry the wood in DNA, right?


sascha gast
07-24-2005, 11:53 PM
hey jason, i got that wood on ebay, from a guy from florida, i paid 70cents/pound and ordered 1000 pounds, about 14 chunks from 13 to 20" in diameter.
shipping was via trucking company, i paid about $450 for it so it's not a steal. this is not something i will order all the time, even though i have another 11 small pieces coming from the same guy, he contacted me. only about 8" or so in diameter. 3 boxes via UPS.
and NO, i stopped drying in DNA, i use kirkland dishwashing soap now, mixed equal parts with water. i have about 22 gallons of it in a 44g rubbermaid trash can. haven't tried it on many woods yet, but have great results, not so much drying i out, but lubricating it and preventing warping and cracking. i turn those NIP bowls with the pith in and they don't crack. i am trying regular pine right now and it seems to work great.


Jim Becker
07-25-2005, 11:12 AM
Sascha, you can also do similar pieces with Ponderosa Pine. It has some slight differences in look from the Norfolk Island Pine, but takes the oil very nicely. Here's a 10" piece done by Phil Brennion, AAW President and turner extraordinare that illustrates what it looks like. I bought it at the 2004 AAW Symposium in Orlando as part of the charity auction.

sascha gast
07-25-2005, 3:03 PM
jim, that one looks awesome. i just finished turning a chunk of regular pine, don't know if ponderosa pine would grow here, and it turned wonderful, smells great and even had some nice spalting.
the difference is the knots. i just got the 11 pieces in, the largest one is 10" dia, and has 8!!!! knots. the more knots the better, they bring the value up, but just for looks, i love pine. it gets even more translucent than NIP.
i still have many chunks in my yard, but first i'll be using my NIP, i got about 25 pieces left, some up to 20" in diameter, then i core out the center and make platters. once they sell, i can always buy mor NIP from florida.

thanx for the pic and i'll be looking up ponderosa pine and see if it's local


Jim Becker
07-25-2005, 5:07 PM
Sascha, there is a lot of Ponderosa closer to you than Norfolk Island Pine...AZ, for example. 'Could be worth a nice field trip...maybe you could hook up with Rob Littleton in the Prescott area.