View Full Version : Anyone make a hanging light for a dining room?

Bob Elliott
12-26-2014, 9:08 AM
I want to make a light that will hand over our dining room table and I am looking for ideas. Anyone have something they have made or seen that they would be willing to share?

william watts
12-27-2014, 3:43 PM
I remember see some Green & Green hanging lamps when we toured the Gamble house in Pasadena. Here's a link gamble house Pasadena (https://www.google.com/search?q=gamble+house+pasadena&client=safari&rls=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=AxefVPyMIc6yogSK94KgDg&ved=0CEUQsAQ&biw=1040&bih=636#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=iSYRwkZ7pFN7zM%253A%3BubbWv_1Nwf1SuM%3Bhttp% 253A%252F%252Fhometown-pasadena.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2013%252F05%252F11320951.j pg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fhometown-pasadena.com%252Ftalk-of-our-towns%252Fmuseums-for-free-mota-day%252F62848%3B768%3B512) for some inspiration.

John Donhowe
12-27-2014, 7:53 PM
Did you have something like this in mind? Can't claim to have made this- we inherited it from the in-laws, who were heavily into Scandinavian teak. The arms seem to be laminated, I assume with a groove to carry the wire. 302805

Dick Brown
12-27-2014, 11:17 PM
I built this lamp a number of years ago along with several others similar to it. One thing I learned the hard way is to always make them with an odd number of arms if they are to hang on a chain. Four light ones are the worst in that they never stay straight or 45 degrees with the walls, so always look crooked with the world. Just a breath of wind will turn them a bit out of square. I like the five light ones best. Had a friend that had the juniper lumber. This was built out of basic scrap stuff. Working with juniper is an education in itself although it has some interesting grain patterns. Soon learn to cut pieces 1/4" or more bigger all ways and then re-cut to finish size as it is very stressed. Getting the angles also very interesting. Arms are laminated with hollow in the center for pipe and wire.

302809 302810 302811

Keith Weber
12-27-2014, 11:22 PM
One thing I learned the hard way is to always make them with an odd number of arms if they are to hang on a chain. Four light ones are the worst in that they never stay straight or 45 degrees with the walls, so always look crooked with the world. Just a breath of wind will turn them a bit out of square. I like the five light ones best.

LOL! Yeah, I could see myself building a 4-light fixture and then be forever annoyed at it being crooked. Good tip!