View Full Version : Weekend Doin's?

Bob Lasley
05-30-2003, 9:08 AM
Howdy All,

So what's cookin' in your shop, or elsewhere, this weekend? Will be literally cooking here today as supposed to be 95 degrees today and then cooling down into the 80's for the weekend.

I am continuing work on the crib. All machining done and now its sand, sand, assembly, sand and finishing. We also have our 7 year old grandaughter tonight and tomorrow, so we are visiting the new Oklahoma Aquarium tomorrow morning.

Have a great weekend all!

John Lucas
05-30-2003, 9:17 AM
Finishing cleaning up shop...it was really bad. Expecting VIP visitors on Tuesday...nothing like a little push.
Sunday shooting with Beth on continuation of the harvest table project. And starting on making of two shop cabinets for Performax and Delta 13 planer. A good weekend.

John Lucas

Glenn Clabo
05-30-2003, 10:59 AM
Until it starts raining then it's...
Plane 100bf of cherry...sort...mark...stack in shop.

Allan Johanson
05-30-2003, 11:46 AM
I'll be staring to make a maple picture frame (gotta buy the wood too), picking up some pieces for my mat cutter, ordering a lighting control system for my home theater, cleaning the house for company on Sunday and preparing my project car for engine/transmission removal (on Sunday afternoon) for the fuel injection conversion next month. I guess I'll also need to find a local source for POR-15 and AN fittings with braided SS fuel lines without getting soaked! Add on a dose of other misc errands like grocery shopping, banking, etc and my weekend is appearing to be quite full! It should be lots of fun though. :cool:


Von Bickley
05-30-2003, 2:25 PM
No shop time for me. We will be leaving out in the morning for North Myrtle Beach, SC. Lay back, take it easy and pig-out on sea-food.

Ya'll take care.

Keith Outten
05-30-2003, 2:29 PM
For over a week now I have been working on my shop. I just finished a long term cabinet contract and my shop was totally revamped to support the cabinet job. In recent years I have also added several new machines and my floor-plan just got out of hand. The congestion also contributed to my inability to keep my shop clean so it was time to gut the building so to speak and rework my workspace.

I have already relocated my 80 gallon air compressor and my sandblast cabinet to another building and completed running new copper air lines to my shop. No longer will I have air hose on the floor as the support posts now have air connections and I can use a short hose at each end of my shop.

Both of my lumber racks have been moved to the other building as well. All of the lumber and plywood that just accumulated in the shop has been removed as well. Several of my woodworking machines have been relocated and are now much more convenient to access and use. In short I have just about doubled my usable floor space and have regained the ability to keep my shop clean.

By the end of this weekend I should have the last few boxes and misc stuff removed and most of the new racks and hangers built for my clamps and bending tools.

Aaron is well on his way programing a new "Shop Tours" section for SawMill Creek. With any luck I will have my workshop back together and worthy of having my niece, who is a professional photographer, drop by and take some first class pictures of my new/old workshop :) When the new Shop Tour software is ready to go I hope to be among the first to contribute.

Except for the fact that shop production has almost halted and many of the things I planned to do at home are also on hold due to the shop overhaul ... Life is Good!

Rick LoDico
05-30-2003, 2:55 PM
The tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, etc must go in.

Tom Sweeney
05-30-2003, 4:42 PM
Lets see:
1) Finish cutting up the big maple tree
2) CLEAN & ORGANIZE my shop space
3) Hang a few window treatments for LOML
4) Yard work
5) OH Yeah auctions & yard sales tomorrow - might be a few tools following me home :D
6) My truck is getting mad at me cause I haven't put the carb back on yet from a little incident about a month ago
7) Clean off my desk
8) Try to finish 2 little wood projects I've been putting off

9) Ok now I'm tired I think I'll just take a long nap instead ;)

BTW - Von, you aint playin fair man ;) PS: I've always thought Y'all have the coolest state flag

Have a good one!

Ken Salisbury
05-30-2003, 4:52 PM
I will be spending the weekend recovering from the surgery I had yesterday. It was like whirlwind day. Had a bladder check-up with my Urologist on Wednsday and he discovered another tumor on the bladder and I went in for surgery at 6:00am the following morning.

I am scheduled for some cancer treatments for the next 6 weeks.

But ----> don't cheer too loud ----> I will still be in here daily making sure that "When the cat's away the mice don't play:D

Kevin Gerstenecker
05-30-2003, 5:41 PM
All the best to you Ken. We will be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Good to hear you are still going to be keeping an eye on us "Kids" here at the Creek. We are MUCH better behaved when we know the "Old Rebel" is just around the corner with the switch in hand! :D
Take care, and keep the positive attitude..................and I know I don't have to tell you this, but................a Cold Bud Light now and again is GREAT therapy! ;) Have a great weekend all!

Phil Phelps
05-30-2003, 5:50 PM
Originally posted by Von Bickley
No shop time for me. We will be leaving out in the morning for North Myrtle Beach, SC. Lay back, take it easy and pig-out on sea-food.

Ya'll take care.
You're going to The Beach? Golf gods'll get ya' for that. Myrtle Beach is golf country, for sure :p

Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
05-30-2003, 10:02 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ken Salisbury
[B]I will be spending the weekend recovering from the surgery I had yesterday.
I am scheduled for some cancer treatments for the next 6 weeks.

Best of luck, Ken. Mind the doctor and take it easy, but not too easy. The body is built for activity.

Jim Becker
05-30-2003, 10:04 PM
More "kitchen cabinets are us" again this weekend. Got the lawn mowed tonight, so that will not interfere. Besides, more rain is in the forcast!

Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
05-30-2003, 10:09 PM
Will try to get it in gear and get into Austin tomorrow to get paint and primer for the Hardiboard just put on my shop. Having a bit of trouble with SWMBO who keeps insisting that I don't need to be on a ladder at 83 years of age. But what does she know? She is only 78.

Dave Avery
05-30-2003, 10:17 PM
Way to go Don.... don't let her slow you down, but please do be carefull. Broken bones and 80+ are not a good combination.

Ken, hope your recovery and subsequent treatment go as smoothly as can be expected. I'll be rooting (and praying) hard for you.

As far as weekend plans are concerned, I plan to finish the woodworking aspects of our new KS bed, along with the usual pain and torture associated with THE LIST of things that remain to be completed on our home addition. Dave.

Keith Outten
05-30-2003, 10:22 PM
We're all pulling for ya Ken, keep your spirits up.

John Miliunas
05-30-2003, 10:53 PM
Before any chore lists, my best wishes and prayers go out to the Old Rebel! Ain't too worried, though...You're a tough one!

...And "chore list" is right. Yard work, mowing, some garage cleaning, getting ready for garage sale (NO, I'm NOT selling my garage!), maybe work up a design for a cutting board or two. Oh yeah, and make room for a small jointer. Finally said, "enough is enough" and gonna' pull the trigger on this one. Be giving Grizzly a call in the morning. (No interested buyers in the house, so it's going to remain a small shop for me, so it's just the 6"er this time around:( . On the other hand, MUCH better than what I have now!:D ) Everyone have yourselves a great weekend and Don, please be careful on that tall thing with the horizontal rungs! :cool:

Ted Shrader
05-30-2003, 11:10 PM
Ken -

Get well (again) quick. Good thing for follow ups. Good luck with the treatments.

Will be getting a house ready for sale. Replaced one window unit, a pre-hung french door, and the sill and jamb of another window today. Tomorrow is two sills a bunch of brick molding and what ever else pops up. Oh yeah - all this dodging in and around wind rain and hail.

Can I sneak a gloat in here. Got a new PC pancake compressor today because the pressure switch in my old hot-dog unit died. Didn't have time to fix it, that comes later.


Kevin Gerstenecker
05-30-2003, 11:31 PM
Total remodel of the Living/Family Room starting this weekend. Stripping Wallpaper/Border, texture ceiling, paint walls, stain and finish Oak Bead Board Wainscoting, cut, stain and finish Oak Chair Rail, Base & Casing. Rip out carpeting, lay tile in front of Fireplace Hearth and Front Door, New Border, Window Treatment, the WORKS! SWMBO will be cracking the whip until the project is complete..............somehow they just don't understand that these things take time.............and a few new tools to boot! I think I have her convinced that a new Compound Slider is required to properly cut the trim, so this may be a GLOAT in the making as well! :D
(NOT gonna come close to getting this all done in a weekend, I think I have her convinced of THAT, anyway!)

David Rose
05-31-2003, 6:41 PM
You can't keep an old rebel down, you know. Our family will be praying for you too. I wish you would let us know when the "cat is away", though. Everything (including mice) should have a little fun. :D

Guess I will start tongue and grooving and other milling on the pieces for my finish/glue cabinet.


Anthony Yakonick
06-01-2003, 1:02 AM
House work, shop cabs and turning! Ken, good luck and I hope all goes well. Looks like I'll be returning to work on Tuesday after a 6 week recovery from shoulder surgery so I'm putting Ken on the day shift ;)


Jim Baker
06-01-2003, 6:45 AM
Get well soon, Ken.

We just got back some pictures from the picnic in Indiana. It reminded us what a good time we had there. There were several pictures of you, Ken, teaching us to make pens. Thanks again for the great lessons.

This weekend, we have been finishing a desktop and some cabinet doors. Today,after church, we plan to cut up some more storm damaged trees.

Steve Clardy
06-01-2003, 10:54 PM
They are about all wrapped up and supporting themselves now. Another day and they will be done. Won't have to worry about a 12" snowfall caving in the shop now. WHeewww, that would not be fun at all!!!!!!!! Steve:D