View Full Version : Tabletop bench

Richard Hutchings
12-23-2014, 9:08 AM
I need this until I get my shop back from my foray into model trains. I need to do a lot of clearing out and bench making to get back where I was. In the meantime, I can use this in my house clamped to a counter in a spare room. It's about 1' * 2'. What would you do different?

Richard Hutchings
12-23-2014, 10:46 AM
I've already changed my mind. That design is going to be too heavy. I started looking at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvhn-PAfEW4 viseless video. I just ordered a pair of Gramercy holdfasts. Back to the drawing board. Suggestions are welcome.

Steve Wurster
12-23-2014, 11:17 AM
There's also the "milkman's workbench" that Christopher Schwarz has discussed.

Richard Hutchings
12-23-2014, 12:46 PM
That looks interesting but too hard to build without a bench, and the wooden screws are probably expensive. Plus, I don't want to make too big a project out of it. I think I can build this new one in a few hours, not including waiting for glue to dry.

Here's my new design minus the dog holes. I'm not sure where I'll need them until I build it.



Dave Richards
12-23-2014, 1:38 PM


Jim Matthews
12-23-2014, 4:37 PM
If you can't get up close to the counter, the work position may lead to back strain.

May I recommend you consider an alternative? Something that can be stored, when not in use.
I have two of these, made by VIKA (https://www.google.com/shopping/product/3116709238986485630?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=vika+workbench&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&tch=1&ech=1&psi=f-CZVNfiK4i1ggTltYGgBw.1419370626562.3&sa=X&ei=geCZVLDrLIm1ggTn2IDoBw&ved=0CKsBELkk)and they're an excellent substitute for a traditional bench.

I'm presuming you already have F clamps....

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcTneaJgKnpWT0KCNrXxZdKBizC36QV z87N0p3E1LbBi7uwis6uR&usqp=CAY

Richard Hutchings
12-23-2014, 5:21 PM
I think I'll try to make this one.


Thanks Dave.

Dave Richards
12-23-2014, 5:33 PM
You're welcome. Once you have a proper shop and workbench, this one will still be useful. You can get the plans and the SketchUp model from Fine Woodworking if you want. If you feel the need to modify it, the model might be handy.

Richard Hutchings
12-23-2014, 5:38 PM
SketchUp plans wouldn't hurt.
Thanks again.

John Schweikert
12-23-2014, 9:03 PM
Have a look at the Sjobergs smart vise. I've been using one until I can get my boat build out of the shed.


Peter Kelly
12-23-2014, 10:40 PM
Holzwerken did a bit on a mini-Moxon bench as well. Looked interesting.


Shawn Pixley
12-23-2014, 11:33 PM
I made mine with veneer screw clamps. The vise then doubles as a moxon vise for dovetails. The legs clamp to the table. I would put in more dog holes. I would set up a sacrificial plywood top for chopping that fastened into the dog holes.

Richard Hutchings
12-24-2014, 6:26 AM
I signed up for the digital version of Fine Woodworking and downloaded the PDF plan but I couldn't find the SketchUp version.

You're welcome. Once you have a proper shop and workbench, this one will still be useful. You can get the plans and the SketchUp model from Fine Woodworking if you want. If you feel the need to modify it, the model might be handy.

Richard Hutchings
12-24-2014, 6:39 AM
That looks really nice but I already own an extra quick release vise so I think I'm going to go with the Fine Woodworking bench.

Holzwerken did a bit on a mini-Moxon bench as well. Looked interesting.


Richard Hutchings
12-24-2014, 6:46 AM
I like this idea because the bench would be a lot lighter. But I have a vise so I'll mark this for future upgrade if I find the weight bothers me. I want to do dovetailing and I'm not sure how well this is going to work out without the 2 screws but we'll see.

I made mine with veneer screw clamps. The vise then doubles as a moxon vise for dovetails. The legs clamp to the table. I would put in more dog holes. I would set up a sacrificial plywood top for chopping that fastened into the dog holes.