View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
12-22-2014, 9:03 AM
22 Dec 2014

Good Morning Everyone,
I've been suffering a facial palsy due to a dental procedure I had last week. 3 weeks ago I had a root canal done on my #18 molar and then last week I had the temporary crown put on that tooth. Once the numbing medication wore off, the left side of my face wasn't working...to include my left eye didn't blink but I could force it to blink. I went to see my family doctor and he put me on a strong steroid treatment for 12 days and he seems to think that it may have been a nerve irritation due to the medication or shots given me for my dental work this past Wednesday. I guess we'll see how this goes. Drinking through a straw so I can drink, 2/3 of my tongue can't detect flavor nor temperature, and more. I'd just like my left eye to blink on its own so I don't have to go around with my left eye taped shut. :)

Good News...I finished the cedar chest restoration project and the customer picked it up yesterday afternoon and loved it. Here is a summary of the After/Before:
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g69/sawdustar/cedarchestgridphoto_zps86ebc296.jpg (http://s53.photobucket.com/user/sawdustar/media/cedarchestgridphoto_zps86ebc296.jpg.html)

That's it for me, I hope each of you are ready for Christmas....So what did you do this past weekend?
Best of weeks and Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday to all of you.!!!

Frederick Skelly
12-22-2014, 9:23 AM
Dennis - I hope you feel better soon.

I finished up a serving tray that Id been letting cure for 30 days to keep the oil off my upholstered (sp?) furniture.

Now Ive started an end table. Decided to use poplar for the whole thing, as an experiment to see how it will wear long term. Did the major sizing on the electric saws and cut the M&Ts by hand. (Tedious but very satisfying. Dont ask me why, it just is.) Made a practice run at tapering the legs with a hand plane - that went better than I expected too!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Jim Becker
12-22-2014, 10:12 AM
I didn't spend a whole lot of time in the shop, but that little bit of time was to install the hardware on my latest tack trunk commission (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?225241-Latest-Tack-Trunk-Commission) so I could deliver it to the (delighted) client on Sunday afternoon. It's now time to decide what the next project(s) will be...perhaps I should make some things for our house for a change? LOL :D

The remainder of the weekend was spent retouching and uploading the 400 photos I took at a riding clinic Friday night, watching my daughter's lesson on Saturday, riding my own horse on Sunday morning and then taking my younger daughter holiday gift shopping. Oh, and a bit of cooking...

I hope everyone has a great holiday season, however you celebrate! Wow...2014 went fast! (as usual...)

Shawn Pixley
12-22-2014, 11:27 AM
Dennis, I hope that the palsy goes away quickly.

LOML was working on her knife inlaying some jade into scales using my chisels. She was a bit heavy handed and asked for some help. She had mangled the scales enough that the best solution was for me to cut new scales for her. I recut some cocobolo and carved recesses for the tang. This was to be a full wraparound handle. Then I trued up the sides of her jade to be square before starting the inlay. Then I cut the cocobolo for the jade inlay. Not particularly difficult work but one that requires careful attention. She'll now carve the jade before cutting the handle shape. She is an accomplished silversmith, but when the materials get thicker like with wood, the squareness of edges become increasingly important. She is expert on the fine metals and stones. When it comes to steel and wood, that is where I come in.

Sunday afternoon, we went up to a beach by Santa Barbara to look at a fossilized whale skull that was exposed by a very low tide. The swell was enough that you couldn't get close without getting pretty wet. Though I didn't bring my wetsuit, I got out to the rock getting pretty wet in the process. Most everyone else stayed dryer closer to shore. LOML found a nice chunk of fossilized bone on the beach. A fun afternoon, though I am clearly not a rockhound. I found some nice anemone, urchins and shells in the tide pools. We may go back this afternoon as the tide will be even lower.

We drove home, had a quiet dinner and watched the Seahawks take it to the Cardinals.

roger wiegand
12-22-2014, 2:53 PM
Another couple hundred feet of cherry stock sanded and prefinished for the big push to get the window casings and baseboards installed in our house next week. I'm going to be very happy when this phase of the project is over.

Spent Saturday working on a Habitat house in town. Lots of prep for winter (moving stuff around so the area can get plowed, moving trash and recyclables off site), fitted foam for under the basement floor slab pour this week, and prep work for siding.

Eric D Matson
12-22-2014, 8:00 PM
Finished up this year's Christmas presents. I have 9 total cutting boards to give away. I don't think they turned out too bad. Merry Christmas everyone.