View Full Version : Poly over WAX ?

Marc Tuunanen
12-21-2014, 5:11 PM
Can I put wipe on poly over carnuba or do I need to strip the wax first? Will steel wool take off the wax enough to put the poly on after? Wood is a curly Maple bowl with Danish oil and then WAX. Don't Like the wax much. Want a more durable finish.
Thanks in advance.


charlie knighton
12-21-2014, 5:31 PM
what type of wood is it....ie oak/ash with winter/summer growth rings or is it more llike hard maple????

Robert Delhommer Sr
12-21-2014, 5:45 PM
I highly doubt any finish will stick over wax. I would remove all the wax first to save a lot of time.

John Beaver
12-21-2014, 5:53 PM
You should not try to put the poly over the wax, but you also should not put the poly over the Danish oil. It's not designed to work over other finishes. I would strip the wax and add more coats of DO.

Marc Tuunanen
12-21-2014, 6:01 PM
How do I strip the wax more efficiently, Steel wool or a solvent?

Wes Ramsey
12-21-2014, 6:18 PM
You should not try to put the poly over the wax, but you also should not put the poly over the Danish oil. It's not designed to work over other finishes. I would strip the wax and add more coats of DO.
I've had good success with poly over DO. Poly is one if the ingredients in DO so they bond well together. At least in my experience.

Haven't tried poly over wax. I wouldn't think it would stick very well, but I've only ever read that you can't and haven't seen an explanation as to why. If you try it please let us know how it goes, but I suspect it will be one of those shortcuts that takes longer to fix than to sand off and start over to begin with. A simple wax stripper might be the quickest and easiest route.

Thom Sturgill
12-21-2014, 7:15 PM
Virtually all waxes will dissolve in Naptha or Mineral spirits. Wax never hardens, and it prevents finish applied over it from bonding, or at least that is my understanding.

Marc Tuunanen
12-21-2014, 7:24 PM
Cool thanks for the info guys. I'll play it safe and strip the wax first then apply poly.

Merry Christmas to all,

Reed Gray
12-21-2014, 9:21 PM
I would do a test patch. As long as the poly finish is solvent based, and not water based, the solvent will dissolve the wax fairly easily.

robo hippy

Pat Scott
12-22-2014, 12:14 PM
The only thing I would ever try to put over the top of wax is more wax. To remove wax, just use mineral spirits. Mineral spirits will dissolve the wax without raising the grain.