View Full Version : Latest Tack Trunk Commission

Jim Becker
12-20-2014, 12:35 PM
I completed my latest tack trunk commission this morning...this is a reinforced, mobile design for a young woman who rides both in PA and in Florida. Unlike most of my trunks, this one is very open on the inside to make "travel packing" more efficient. While at her barn, it will provide normal storage and while traveling, it will be easy to accommodate her saddle and other items normally stored elsewhere. This trunk has cherry trim and quarter-sawn white oak fields. Hardware is stainless steel and other weather resistant steel.






Kent A Bathurst
12-20-2014, 12:40 PM
Another beauty, Jim.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-20-2014, 12:50 PM
Are you selling them as tack trunks or art work?

Very nice work Jim, as we have come to expect from you!

Jim Tobias
12-20-2014, 5:26 PM
Very nice looking....I'm not familiar with horseback riding but when I look at it I can imagine it 20 years from now being "aged" with use and the elements( I mean that as a total complement!!).


Bruce Page
12-20-2014, 6:29 PM
Very nice Jim. You could REALLY deck it out with a CNC. :)

Jim Becker
12-20-2014, 7:58 PM
Very nice Jim. You could REALLY deck it out with a CNC.

Yea, a CNC would be a nice addition to the shop someday, not just for embellishing these, but there is a nice demand for signage in the equestrian world, too. The real issue is that "what I would want" isn't on the super low end price-wise. :p :o


Thanks for the kind comments, folks. I really do like the end result on this one.

Lee Schierer
12-20-2014, 8:02 PM
Nice work, it should age nicely.

Bruce Page
12-20-2014, 8:26 PM
Yea, a CNC would be a nice addition to the shop someday, not just for embellishing these, but there is a nice demand for signage in the equestrian world, too. The real issue is that "what I would want" isn't on the super low end price-wise. :p :o


I hear that! And you can factor in another good sized chunk of change by the time you get it set up the way you really want it. DAMHIKT!

For a workhorse, dollar for dollar you can't do much better than the Camaster.

Lori Kleinberg
12-20-2014, 10:55 PM
Beautiful piece, Jim

Mike Henderson
12-20-2014, 11:14 PM
That's really nice looking, Jim. If you get a chance to take a picture of one of those tack trunks with the tack in it, I'd be very interested to see how it all goes in. I don't know much about English riding.


Gordon Eyre
12-20-2014, 11:48 PM
It is beautiful Jim and looks very sturdy. I am sure the young lady is much appreciative of your considerable talent.

Jim Becker
12-21-2014, 8:41 PM
That's really nice looking, Jim. If you get a chance to take a picture of one of those tack trunks with the tack in it, I'd be very interested to see how it all goes in. I don't know much about English riding.

Strangely enough, given the name "tack trunk"...what takes up the most room in these trunks is grooming items, tack cleaning products and medical/health needs items. Saddles and bridles are more often than not stored on racks on the walls at the barn. At least around here. It's not specific to English or western disciplines, either...horse care is horse care. This particular client will be putting her saddle and other leather goods into the trunk when she travels to Florida, but when she's at her home barn, those items will be living on the wall as I mentioned. That's why hers needed to be more open inside. This is typical of "show trunks"...those that travel for sure.

My personal trunk (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?219190-Project-Yet-another-tack-trunk&highlight=Tack) has an extra drawer, for example, which I find handy to store smaller, more valuable items, such as clippers, spurs, extra leather goods, etc. It has a lock on it, too. I will try to remember to take a photo or three next time I'm at the barn to show what's inside when in use.


I delivered this trunk to the client this afternoon. She had me bring it to her house so it could get a big red bow on it and be near their Christmas tree. :D It will be interesting how she manages to fit it in her Prius to get it to her barn after the holiday. LOL

David Cramer
12-21-2014, 9:09 PM
Wow, great craftsmanship Jim, nicely done. I agree with Jim Tobias, it's going to age nicely in 20 years or so. Well done.


John Sanford
12-23-2014, 4:47 PM
Jim, that's a sweet looking piece. I'm wondering if you've considered taking a "campaign furniture" approach to the travelling trunks. It seems that incorporating some corner protection would be a good thing.

Jeff Heil
12-23-2014, 11:46 PM
Beautiful craftsmanship Jim. I like the combo of the cherry and QSWO.

Floyd Cox
12-24-2014, 3:12 AM
Beautiful work, I really like the logo of the horse and rider.

Jim Becker
12-24-2014, 2:46 PM
Jim, that's a sweet looking piece. I'm wondering if you've considered taking a "campaign furniture" approach to the travelling trunks. It seems that incorporating some corner protection would be a good thing.

I have the ability to source road-case materials, but that's not "the look" these clients are looking for. They are not "heavy" travelers, either. In this case, the client goes to Florida once per year in the winter for a few weeks of showing, etc. So it's not constant movement. There is a heavy canvas cover that slips over the trunk during actual transport for her.

Jim Becker
12-24-2014, 3:12 PM
...I really like the logo of the horse and rider.
That was actually created by a graphic artist from a real photo of the client and her horse. I'm also pleased with what that added to this project, both from an artistic point of view as well as a personalization point of view!

SMC's own Mike Null cut it out with his laser system for me.