View Full Version : Completed Kitchen

Dave Bonde
07-19-2005, 8:35 PM
Here are a few pictures of a kitchen I recently completed. I always enjoy and learn from others so I thought I would contribute. Dave

John Renzetti
07-19-2005, 8:38 PM
Great job on the kitchen. I like the detail work. How long did this take you. Did you sub out the countertops.
take care,

lou sansone
07-19-2005, 8:43 PM
real nice job.. is this your first one? what about the wood... ash or oak? lou

Dev Emch
07-19-2005, 8:53 PM
This is a nice job. Clean and functional. The dentil moulding is also a nice touch.

Folks, the upper corner of the standard L is always a challange. Look at how it was done here. He took the corner cabinet concept from the floor right up through to the ceiling and accented this feature while recovering the blind corner of the counter top for a type of applicance garage.

This was well done.

Kelly C. Hanna
07-19-2005, 8:55 PM
Wow, those are gorgeous! Are the cases solid Oak?

jack duren
07-19-2005, 9:03 PM
very nice Dave. we have a few shops around here that drop the corner bump out susans to the coutertop. i like the looks of this setup but as an installer i hate the install of em.

im an oak man at heart and enjoyed the pictures....jack

Dave Bonde
07-19-2005, 9:14 PM
Thanks for the kind responses guys. I will answer your questions, the project took about 3 months that included tear out through completion the cabinets took me about a month to design and build. The new wiring, drywall and sub floor and tile took a lot longer than I wanted. The house is located about 40 minutes from me so that was also a factor. I do all my own work so no subcontract work. No this isn't my first kitchen but it is my favorite the ceilings are a little over 9' so the kitchen has a nice look. I am a teacher and do some cabinet/woodworking and construction work on the side. The doors and face frames are red oak and the cabinets are either 3/4" birtch or cabinet grade oak plywood.

Dave Bonde
07-19-2005, 9:22 PM
Sorry, should have proof read :mad:

Jim Becker
07-19-2005, 10:01 PM
Awesome job, Dave.

Corey Hallagan
07-19-2005, 10:18 PM
Exactly what I want to do for my house and kitchen remodel. Really beatuiful work!! Thanks for the pics!


Chris Mann
07-19-2005, 10:33 PM
Nice work. I like the varying elevations. Definitely gives it a unique look.

How'd you running the wiring for the puck lights, false bottoms on the carcass?

Dave Bonde
07-19-2005, 11:07 PM
Yes you are right on. It is a 1/4” oak ply false bottom. There is also a dado in the back of the cabinets that the wire travels up and is connected to the transformer on top of the corner cabinet.

Dev Emch
07-20-2005, 12:39 AM
Are the top run cabs 30s or custom heights? Also, How deep is the moulding detail on the ceiling? This is the white plaster type bump and cove. Lastly, is the top corner cab a one section unit? If so, how did you get the position exact when it was time to get the counter top installed or did you first install the counter top and then the one section upper corner cab?


Vaughn McMillan
07-20-2005, 1:10 AM
Very nice work, Dave. I've done a reasonable amount of new and remodel construction, but I could only dream of building cabinets that nice.

- Vaughn

Jason Tuinstra
07-20-2005, 1:37 AM
Dave, you do great work. Very nice kitchen.

Kirk (KC) Constable
07-20-2005, 1:41 AM
I REALLY like the different heights on the upper cabinets. That's something I'll do for mine if I ever redo or build again. What I wonder, though, is why not take the the highest ones all the way to the ceiling? Someday somebody's gonna have to paint that molding in the corner. :eek:


Dave Bonde
07-20-2005, 10:17 AM
Are the top run cabs 30s or custom heights? Also, How deep is the moulding detail on the ceiling? This is the white plaster type bump and cove. Lastly, is the top corner cab a one section unit? If so, how did you get the position exact when it was time to get the counter top installed or did you first install the counter top and then the one section upper corner cab?


The top units are custom heights - the corner units, pantry and above frig are a little over 8' in height I started with those and then made the shorter cabinets accordingly. The white molding is MDF that I bought at Lowes I think it is about 3 1/2" I have used it in several projects and really like the look of it (or maybe it is the fact I can't install it up-side down) :) I installed the countertop first. Dave

Ken Fitzgerald
07-20-2005, 10:21 AM
Excellent work Dave!

Dave Bonde
07-20-2005, 10:31 AM
I REALLY like the different heights on the upper cabinets. That's something I'll do for mine if I ever redo or build again. What I wonder, though, is why not take the the highest ones all the way to the ceiling? Someday somebody's gonna have to paint that molding in the corner. :eek:


That's a good question. The kitchen has tall ceilings and to run the taller cabinets all the way up would have made the kitchen out of Proportion (IMHO) You really can't get a feel for the height in the pictures. I also like the look of the profile of the crown and the white molding behind it. If the ceilings would have been 8' I think I would have run the cabinets all the way up. I HATE to paint :D but there is more room to get in the corners then it looks. Dave