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View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
12-15-2014, 9:25 AM
15 Dec 2014

Good Morning Everyone,
Well, it's been a busy week and weekend for me. Been working feverishly on the restoration of the cedar chest that a guy at work brought to me. It's a Christmas gift to his mother and it's the only piece of furniture that she will have that belonged to her mother. I will post a few pics next week when I have it all done. I should start applying a finish tonight if all goes well. My only hope is that this OnCall week goes really quiet and well so I can get this done before Christmas week.

Took some time to teach my youngest son how to turn wood on my lathe Saturday. He turned a new lid for the LOML's popcorn jar and did a really nice job on it.

I hope everyone is getting their Christmas stuff done, I know this time of year is hard on many of us trying to get stuff done in time for delivery as gifts and such. Here's wishing each of you the best of weeks.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?
Best of weeks to you all.

Rod Sheridan
12-15-2014, 10:10 AM
Hi, I made a set of false red oak muntins for the living room window.

Diann wants to hang Christmas bobbles from it........Rod.

Mike Ontko
12-15-2014, 10:41 AM
Had to cut out and paint another set of ears for one of the reindeer figures I made for my front lawn display (mentioned in the last week's posting (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?224506-Creeker-s-Weekend-Accomplishments)). We had a bit of a wind storm during the week with gusts of up to 70 mph. I thought I had the reindeer well grounded with 10" tent stakes hooked through eyebolts on each leg. But this time of year I guess it's just natural that reindeer are going to want to fly :rolleyes:

Ralph Butts
12-15-2014, 11:53 AM
No shop time this weekend. Unfortunately spent most of Thursday, Friday and Saturday feeding the generator, chain sawing fallen trees and limbs as a result of our big wind storm last week. Happy to get back to work as apparently time away is way too much work. This is the second time we have lost power for more than 24 hours in two weeks. I see a standby generator in my future. On the bright side I got some firewood for next year.

Jim Becker
12-15-2014, 8:05 PM
I actually spent a good amount of time in the shop this weekend doing the final prep for completing my current tack trunk commission on Saturday and then spraying finish on Sunday. In-between coats on Sunday, I managed to mow the lawn for the first time ever in mid-December (!) before straightening up the garage so I could tuck the ZTR neatly in the back so the tractor could back in for the winter. I prefer the Kubota to be in there during the winter months so that if we inadvertently have a "snow event", it's ready to go without shoveling. I didn't ride the horsie this weekend...my neck just wasn't feeling up to it.

Jeremy Miller625
12-15-2014, 9:29 PM
Spent the weekend lugging a newly acquired PM100 downstairs into the shop then tuning it up. Love that machine!

Shawn Pixley
12-15-2014, 10:18 PM
I worked on sanding the handle of my knife build. I'm letting it sit for a bit to see if I am happy with the shape. I helped LOML attach a few things in the lapidary and jewelry smithing shop. I then got the body cut on a Telecaster I am building. Routing comes next.

Elliot Faust
12-15-2014, 10:46 PM
Shoe rack for my closet302153302154