View Full Version : Netflix Movie Recommendation

Larry Browning
12-12-2014, 1:48 PM
I watched a very good movie the other night on Netflix that I thought I would recommend to my friends here at SMC.
It is called Still Mine.
Its about an elderly woodworker who decides to build a new house for his wife who has dementia.
There are lots of references to his woodworking and building skills from a long gone era that a government inspector just doesn't appreciate.
I could really see a whole lot of me in him. I don't want to spoil the plot, so I will just say that the movie is about way more than woodworking, but I think many of us here at SMC can identify much of ourselves in him.

Highly recommended to us aging woodworkers.

Let me know what you think of if.

Chris Padilla
12-12-2014, 4:43 PM
Cool. I'll file that away...I have 3 weeks off starting in a couple of hours. :D

Phil Thien
12-12-2014, 6:10 PM
Awesome, I'll check it out. Thank you Larry.

Bill Huber
12-12-2014, 7:00 PM
Thanks, I will see if I can find it on Amazon TV....

Joe Tilson
12-14-2014, 5:02 PM
We just got through watching the movie. It really shows true love in two ways, love everlasting and love of quality. Most of the time the tried and true just works. Disease or regulation can never stop true love or quality. Thank you for letting us know about this movie.

Prashun Patel
12-14-2014, 5:49 PM
Am in the middle of it. I loved the framing inspection scene.

Chuck Wintle
12-15-2014, 4:10 PM
Death by China is another interesting movie on Netflix...worth watching.

glenn bradley
12-15-2014, 5:17 PM
LOML and I watched it just a while back. The 'trailer' scene where he is talking about how the pine table he made has a memory (scars) and he was glad he hadn't made it out of oak is what got me. Read some reviews and gave it a whirl. We both enjoyed it very much.

Bill McNiel
12-16-2014, 1:00 AM
My wife and I just finished watching Still Mine, absolutely loved it. Mahalo for the reccomendation. Building Department scenes reminded me of when I went to pull the permit for my Barn/home/office renovation and was informed that one corner of the then 70 year old Barn encroached on the sideyard setback established when the original dairy farm was sub-divided. I responded that the Barn wasn't at fault, the Plate Map was. Eventually, after reminding the City of Catch 22 numerous times, it was agreed that the Barn had not moved from its place of origin and therefore could not be held accountable. Had similar issues with the original framing material not being stamped (the Barn was built from material from an old log flume and mill when the operation shut down in 1910).

Thanks again for bringing this lovely film to our attention.

bill howes
12-16-2014, 7:24 PM
Thank you for a wonderful evening. Just watched the DVD with my wife and then called a buddy's wife so they could watch it tomorrow. I live in the maritimes where the movie was shot and had never heard of it.
My experience with the building inspector was distinctly different- when he came to inspect a bathhouse we built on my summer property. He looked around at the other outbuildings that I had built , put both hands up by his eyes as blinders and said " I think there are things here that I shouldn't see". He then pointed out few minor violations ,easily remedied and passed the project.