View Full Version : Saddle/tack stand

Jesse Busenitz
12-10-2014, 12:46 PM
Just finished this up for a client who wanted to display the shown sidesaddle that's been in the family for ???? years. I think they went out of style a while back... Lol. Anyway it was a fun project. Used QS White Oak for most of it, and a simple B Linseed oil. Sorry pics came off my phone...

Ken Fitzgerald
12-10-2014, 1:02 PM
A very nicely done functional piece! Nicely done Sir!

Marty Gulseth
12-10-2014, 3:17 PM
No offense to the client intended - I like it better without the saddle.

Regards, Marty

Jesse Busenitz
12-10-2014, 6:24 PM
Thank for the compliments. I forgot to mention that I farm as living (with ww coming on strong), but anyway he's the landlord for some of the ground we rent and I bought some trees off of the ground and had them milled and now its heading to his house now.

Curtis Myers
12-10-2014, 7:57 PM
Very nice. I like the rounded feet.

Jim Becker
12-10-2014, 8:10 PM
You did a very nice job on that stand which is a pretty traditional design for one that's designed for both storage and for tack cleaning. For display, the contoured piece you embedded at the top was a good idea, especially for a side-saddle which isn't as symmetrically balanced as a normal English (or western) saddle is.

Side saddle riding is still done, but it has a limited audience these days. There are still makers who craft "new" side-saddles, believe it or not...to better fit "contemporary human proportions", LOL.

I've been considering adding stands like this to what I offer to my tack trunk clients. Thanks for the reminder to put that into action! :D