View Full Version : Mirka Abranet sanding disks

charlie kapper
12-03-2014, 8:38 AM
Has anyone tried the Mirka Abranet sanding discs with the Festool ROS's? I noticed Infinity has them on sale now. Looking for feedback...

Lee Schierer
12-03-2014, 8:46 AM
I use Mirka sanding discs on my PC ROS. They work just fine. I buy them in boxes of 100 to reduce thh cost.

fred woltersdorf
12-03-2014, 8:51 AM
I use them on my Festool 125/3 and I'll never go back to regular sandpaper.

Sam Murdoch
12-03-2014, 8:57 AM
I use the Abranet Mesh nearly exclusively with my Festool RO125 and my ETS 150/3 on woodworking and for finish work. When I use up my stock of the Festool Rubin and Brilliant 2 I won't replace them with other than the Abranet Mesh.

Peter Quinn
12-03-2014, 10:11 AM
I have some abranet 80g and some sort of pad to go between the ETS 125 him and loop and the abranet mesh, it really lasts a long time. I'm thinking about adding it to my drum sander.

Jay Jolliffe
12-03-2014, 11:14 AM
I'd like to know how it works out on the drum sander.

Jim Tobias
12-03-2014, 11:47 AM
+1 on the Abranet. It's the only paper I use on Festool 125 and 150.
You do need to get the Mirka pad(It's not expensive and last a long time) that prevents you from wearing down Hook/Loop on the Festool pad.


Erik Christensen
12-03-2014, 12:18 PM
i have it on my drum sander and it is the best media i have tried for that tool. My use on festool sanders (RO150 & ETS150) is mixed. they seem to work as well or better than the festool abrasives, they seem to last as long and the dust collection is even better but it is more fragile media - if you are sanding a panel with a dado or the edge of a board the mirka seems to tear pretty easily at the outside of the pad and the paper has to be tossed for that reason even though the abrasive is not degraded.

I will buy more but to me it will not replace entirely the 'old school' media

Brian Tymchak
12-03-2014, 12:47 PM
I'd like to know how it works out on the drum sander.

This has been tried by at least a few over the last few years and there are threads about that. I think the response has been generally good to outstanding results. Try this search: site:sawmillcreek.org abranet drum sander

J.R. Rutter
12-03-2014, 12:49 PM
Similar to Erik. I use it for flat surfaces with my air sanders, but use a 3M disc (flexible but doesn't normally tear) for profiles or anywhere else the disk edges could get caught.

paul cottingham
12-03-2014, 2:00 PM
Hell, I use them in my sanding block. I will never, ever, go back to sandpaper.

Prashun Patel
12-03-2014, 2:47 PM
I have some 100 and 150 that's pretty decent. I don't notice any improvement in performance over good conventional paper (I'm partial to Indasa Rhynogrit), but it does last longer. However, I don't find sandpaper to be the expensive part of a project, so the longevity solves a problem that's not super huge for me.

Where I DO love it is for the dust collection. It's great for that.

I also think it's a huge win for sanding bowls, where I often have some aggressive sanding to do with an '80 grit gouge'. Here, the little 2" Abranet discs on a sanding mandrel are fast and last. This is where burning through paper is a nuisance, because it happens so darn fast.