View Full Version : Need help identifying this hand saw.

Jarrett Lambert
12-01-2014, 9:42 PM
My Dad and both of my grandfathers were carpenters/cabinetmakers. I'm 36 years old, and for my 6th birthday I received my first set of tools and toolbox. My parents gave me all the tools except the hand saw, which was given to me by one grandfather. My other grandfather built the toolbox. I remember not long after getting it, the handle on the handsaw cracked. My Dad was able to repair it, but it was still kind of weak. About 10 years later, he replaced the handle. I remember the original handle was dark colored and fit my hand really well. It was a lot more rounded and contoured compared to the newer style handle that's on it now. The only markings I could find on it are under the handle. It looks like a large "C" or "U" or horseshoe. There's also what looks like a 7 next to it. I would really like to replace the handle with one that's more appropriate. Any help is appreciated.

James Conrad
12-01-2014, 11:20 PM
It's going to be hard to tell for sure, unless there is an etch on the blade or you have the medallion. Likely a late model Disston or Atkins, Warrented Superior, perhaps a Keen Kutter. The imprint at the heel of the blade is a 10, the number of points per inch, looks like a crosscut panel saw.