View Full Version : Follow up to track saw question

Scott Brandstetter
12-01-2014, 8:22 PM
Hope it's okay to post in this section. Thanks for the replies on my previous question. It leads me to one more question, where do most of you get your sheet goods. I have a saw mill for my other wood but never thought there might be a better place than the box stores for sheet goods. Any tips would be appreciated.

scott vroom
12-01-2014, 8:29 PM
Have you called around to local lumber yards to see if they carry cabinet grade sheet goods? I would think Louisville is big enough to support several yards that could break down the goods for you? If it's too difficult for you to lift the sheet goods onto the table saw then I would imagine it would be equally difficult to carry it from the truck to the shop.

Jim Matthews
12-02-2014, 7:38 AM

I would call the Big Dogs, and ask for guidance.
I wouldn't do it on a Monday, first time around.

Ole Anderson
12-02-2014, 7:47 AM
Remember the yellow pages? Look under "plywood". You might be surprised. Most larger towns have someone that specializes in plywood. North of Detroit, I have two within 5 miles of each other.


Jim Becker
12-02-2014, 7:59 PM
I most often by sheet goods from Industrial Plywood in Reading PA...and occasionally from a local specialty woods organization associated with a local independent lumber yard/home center if I'm in a hurry and can deal with an occasional void. If you can find similar where you are, you'll get better quality stuff.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-02-2014, 9:05 PM
I purchase my cabinet plywoods from a local lumber yard. The quality is superior to what the local HD has.

Scott Brandstetter
12-02-2014, 9:13 PM
Thanks for all of the responses. I guess I didn't give it a lot of thought before posting but it makes sense to google, yellow page it. Found several sources. Thanks again to everyone.