View Full Version : Tis the Season … 2014

Steve Schlumpf
12-01-2014, 1:31 AM
Another year has zipped by and the Holiday Season will be here before you know it! While we all share the love of woodturning, it goes without saying that we are a diverse group and have many different ways of celebrating at this time of year. I am extremely thankful for many things but especially for my loving family and all my friends here on the Creek!

I have a tradition of decorating my lathe. I figure if it brings one smile to someone’s face – it was well worth the effort! :D:D:D I also figure we could have a little fun by members adding photos to this thread of how they decorate their lathes!

So, without further ado and in keeping with the spirit of this newly arrived Holiday Season ……. from my shop to yours …..


Have a wonderful - and SAFE - Holiday Season!


John Keeton
12-01-2014, 5:43 AM
Ahhhh...the traditional "lighting of the lathe" ceremony!! Merry Christmas Steve and fellow Creekers!

Roger Chandler
12-01-2014, 6:20 AM
Been waiting for the lighting of the lathe event.........just not official until Steve opens the festivities with his decorative flair! This year the shape of the lights and lathe almost have a reindeerish look to it........now if we could just get Steve to dress up in a Santa suit, and get in the pic with the lathe, we would really have something special here! :D

Seasons Greetings, to all the SMC family!

Faust M. Ruggiero
12-01-2014, 11:43 AM
It worked. I smile every year you decorate. Great to be around people who enjoy the holidays.

Tim Rinehart
12-01-2014, 1:19 PM
Very nice tradition of yours I've always enjoyed. Thanks Steve, and Happy Holidays to you and the rest of the Creekers!

Ken Fitzgerald
12-01-2014, 1:50 PM
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!

Shawn Pachlhofer
12-01-2014, 3:07 PM
I decorated my lathe with wood shavings.

does that count?

Harry Robinette
12-01-2014, 10:51 PM
You've brought another smile to my face again this year and I thank you. To all the creekers and there family's I wish a very Merry Christmas.

Thomas Canfield
12-01-2014, 11:11 PM
That brings tears to my eyes. Such a shame to see a lathe, and shop, so clean at this time of year. What would Santa think? For sure I am not going to let my wife see the picture.

Peter Blair
12-02-2014, 9:48 AM
I usually wait to see the lighting of the lathe before I put up our outside Christmas lights. I was hoping not to see it for a few more days but a Tradition is a Tradition so I will put them up today.

Steve Schlumpf
12-07-2014, 3:35 PM
:D Still have 2 1/2 weeks till Christmas - plenty of time to decorate your lathe and post a photo of it!! :D

Dok Yager
12-09-2014, 7:43 PM
I`m grinning from ear to ear Steve. Nice tradition.

Don Orr
12-10-2014, 1:24 PM
That's a Beauty for sure-thanks for the great photo again this year. Definitely brought a smile to me.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Safe Turning,

Paul Williams
12-16-2014, 9:13 PM
I was as guilty as everyone else for not taking Steve up on his invitation to decorate my lathe, so here it is.

302174 302175

Steve Schlumpf
12-16-2014, 9:44 PM
Looks great Paul! Thanks for getting into the spirit!!