View Full Version : Quick height adjust for Jet 1642

Jim Davenport
11-29-2014, 2:01 PM
My new jet lathe is too tall for me. To make matters worse I had to add a mobile base because of my spatially challenged shop. That raised it about another 5/8".
A simple fix is three 2X4's, and a 2'x4'x1/2" piece of plywood.
It raised me 4", which makes a perfect height.


Steve Schlumpf
11-29-2014, 2:20 PM
Hey - whatever works - works as long as you remember that you are standing on a platform! Can you use the platform when turning off the end of the lathe?

Thom Sturgill
11-29-2014, 3:22 PM
I had to do something similar when I first got mine. But that proved just a little too tall. Mine is not on rollers. I now have two layers of those 3/4" foam floor pads. Thinking about adding a third layer and need something at the end, but that would be in the walkway. If you move it to the end for hollowing it should be OK, but would be better it it wrapped the end a bit.

Reed Gray
11-29-2014, 3:38 PM
I always turn bowls off the end of the lathe, so would need a connecting platform out there as well.

robo hippy

Steve Doerr
11-29-2014, 6:03 PM
Jim, I did the same thing on my 1642. I made mine an L shaped so that I could turn off the end and not have to move any of the platform to do that. I make mine in two piece so that it was easier to move the platform if I need to. Used a couple of "screen door" latches to hold it together. I also put a 3/4" pad on top of it to help with standing on it all day.

Ryan Baker
11-29-2014, 10:51 PM
The Jet is rather high up for some reason, especially for spindle turning. The platform is an easy solution. Just be careful that you don't step back too far off the edge.