View Full Version : Millers Falls Braces

Eric Erb
11-28-2014, 4:21 PM
Which is better, the 722 or the 722A? What's the difference?

Sean Hughto
11-28-2014, 4:23 PM

steven c newman
11-28-2014, 9:05 PM
Not sure about those, since mine is a 732 10 IN model

Michael Ray Smith
11-30-2014, 7:30 PM
722? Are you sure that's the right number? Not 772?

David Dalzell
11-30-2014, 8:29 PM
Miller Falls catalog does not list a 722 model. I have a couple of the 732 series. These are very common. Can you provide a photo, especially a close-up of the ratchet end?

Michael Ray Smith
12-02-2014, 11:02 AM
Just taking a guess that it's really a 772 instead of a 722, the 772's are have the Millers Falls Lion chuck -- very good drills that don't command the high prices of the Yankee/North Bros./Stanley braces made for the Bell System. (The fully enclosed ratchet design of the Yankee/North Bros./Stanley braces is better than the design of the ratchet on the 770-773 Millers Falls braces; the 870-873 Millers Falls braces have the Lion chuck plus a fully enclosed ratchet, but in my experience they're a little tougher to find.) In fact, I recently sold my Stanley Bell System braces and kept my Lion braces. The link that Sean gave you is a pretty good type study of all the Miller Falls braces, including differences between the series like those with an A after the number. It also has a link to a home page. From there you can get to lots of great information on all sorts of Millers Falls tools and on the Company itself, including the various intersections with the histories of Goodell family and their companies.