View Full Version : Want to sand church pews that have circular indentations

Ronald Mancini
11-26-2014, 12:21 PM
We are renovating our church. The pews are dirty in places from people grasping them, and the dirty areas include a decorative indentation much like the old time door trim had. Can we buy a power sander that will sand the indentations. I am thinking of a soft sanding pad that attaches to a disc sander. Where can I find such an animal?

glenn bradley
11-26-2014, 12:36 PM
A picture would help so that we knew the specific nature of the profile but, in general a sanding mop (http://www.woodworkingshop.com/product/fs36240/#.VHYPj9XF94E)will do this without damaging the existing profile. Obviously, I find them useful . . .


Jim Mackell
11-26-2014, 12:45 PM
As Glenn said, as photo would help. Sanding butt imprints on the seat of the pew is much easier than sanding decorative rosettes on the end.

Lee Schierer
11-26-2014, 1:42 PM
What you are probably seeing is not dirt, but finish that has been degraded by the oil in peoples hands. Sometime you can clean this off with a plastic pot scrubber and Murphy's Oil Soap without damaging the finish further.