View Full Version : THIS IS EMBARRASSING! (pics)?

Dale Thompson
07-16-2005, 10:35 PM
Hi Folks,
I have found it in my heart to forgive you all for your past criticisms of my meager attempts at WWing. ;) Am I a gem of a human being - or what? :confused:

Anyway, the project is only a set of bookshelves. SIMPLE!? It should be but NOTHING is simple for ME! :o

A while back, my daughter instructed me that I was to build a set of bookshelves for an alcove in the SIL's home office. The problem was that I had to use dimensions from 200 miles away and I had to make sure that they looked "built-in". I took that to mean a "perfect fit". The three units were built here in Peshtigo, disassembled and reinstalled in the designated space.

The first three pics, I hope, will show the progress here in Peshtigo and the last will show the finished product. The last pic is staged. The SIL and I are not on speaking terms. In the five years that they have been married, I think that he has gotten "friendly" with my "baby girl" on at least two occasions (Their names are Josiah and Aliyah). :mad:

Anyway, regarding the shelves, I told him that if he would learn to read, he would not need that many shelves to store his books. :rolleyes:

Whatever, when installed, we had a ceiling to floor gap of almost 1/4". I told him that the framer must have made a mistake. He reminded me that I had framed the room. :( I told him that the drywaller must have made a mistake. He reminded me that I had hung the drywall in the alcove. :o
I told him that he must have mistakenly used a high viscosity paint on the walls and that it usually sags about 1/4" from ceiling to floor. :eek:

He didn't have an answer for THAT one - but he DID help me pack my suitcase. :cool: :)

Dale T.

Charles McKinley
07-16-2005, 10:40 PM
Hi Dale,

That looks great!

!/4" gap???? That is what molding is for. It looks like you figured that out.

Dan Oliphant
07-16-2005, 10:54 PM
Looks great, sure is a lot of reading for one guy to catch up on.
In what manor did you transport the seperate units? Looks like they traveled well.

Corey Hallagan
07-16-2005, 10:57 PM
You crack me up Dale! Nice work!You have been a busy boy out there in the shop!!


John Miliunas
07-16-2005, 11:00 PM
Hey Pesh, as usual, you did a beautiful job on the bookcases! :) I'm glad to see you took the duck tape off, too. Nice touch!:D Also, glad you told us that last pic was staged. Otherwise, I woulda' thought the smiles were genuine. :D :cool:

Mike Stanton
07-16-2005, 11:50 PM
:D Looks great Mike

Vaughn McMillan
07-17-2005, 2:14 AM
Wow Dale, the shelves look level and plumb! Was that luck, or did you plan it that way? ;) They came out great, and I'm sure your SIL is very happy.

- Vaughn

Karl Laustrup
07-17-2005, 6:29 AM
WOW! With the Lincoln logs and now this, I believe you are working much, much to hard. ;) :) It does look good. Again you have elevated the bar to a height that I'm not sure I can obtain. :o :eek: Time to get some taller chairs, I guess.:)

Pesh, take a break. It's summer. Time for a vacation while you can get out of the northwoods before you are snowed in for the winter.

Besides you are making me look bad. :o Haven't been able to do any projects. Mainly cause it's been too hot.:mad: Besides we're so dry, I'm afraid to start anything for fear of causing a grass/forrest fire.:eek:

scott spencer
07-17-2005, 7:10 AM
Looks great Dale!

How are you getting all this done in this heat and humidity? This is turning into the wwing season that wasn't for me. :(

Chris Barton
07-17-2005, 7:52 AM
Great work Dale! And, great sense of humor as well!

Jim Becker
07-17-2005, 8:55 AM
I always shudder at any post from "Dale" that has the word "Embarassing" in the title...and it did not go unrewarded this time, either... ;)

Nice work, Dale. I don't see no stinkin' mistakes!

Ken Fitzgerald
07-17-2005, 10:20 AM
As usual Dale....great work!

Dale Thompson
07-17-2005, 1:14 PM
In what manor did you transport the seperate units? Looks like they traveled well.
I broke it all down with the pieces coded. It traveled flat so it didn't take up all that much room.

Please don't tell Spring about that. He will be emailing me for the next month asking for the "used" duct tape. I guess the folks in Spring Green and surrounding areas have never heard of Charmin Tissue, right Karl? :eek: :D

Dale T.

Dale Thompson
07-17-2005, 1:39 PM
What a bunch of cry babies! :rolleyes: We get a little summer weather and you pansies have an excuse to sit back in your $10,000, air conditioned, vibrator/massage, leather/silk, stereo equipped recliners and watch the National Cheerleading Championships on ESPN! :eek: :cool: C'mon you wimps - get some electrons flowing or, better yet, get out the maul and split some firewood for next winter.

Anyway, it sounds like a lot of us are having the same problem. We have been having temps in the high 80s and 90s for the past ten days. That is very unusual for the northwoods of Wisconsin. With all the water around here, the humidity has been incapacitating. Worst of all, we haven't had any rain for about three weeks. In fact, it's sooo dry that when I turn on the faucet in my kitchen, the water evaporates before it hits the bottom of the glass. I tried pouring a beer the other day and it dried back into hops and barley as it was coming out of the can!! :mad:

TRUST ME! I would NEVER lie to my friends! ;) WIMPS are quite another matter! :D :) Now, back into my air-conditioned shop! AHHHHHHHH!

Dale T.

John Miliunas
07-17-2005, 3:09 PM
Yikes, not even sure how to say this but,...but....but.....Well, I have to agree with Dale!:eek: We're sitting at just a touch above 90 in the shade right now and it's downright warm out there! :rolleyes: OTOH, you'll have to excuse my Cheesehead buddy there, in regards to the comment about the beer. The poor guy...An engineering type and all that, but missed the chapter on refrigeration. :confused: You see, Dale, if you use the same principal as the AC in your shop and confine the cold air created by it, you'd have yourself something called a "refrigerator". Like just now, I'm out in my shop and, after pulling a cold brew out of the fridge, I can pour it into my glass and it stays nice and refreshingly cold!:) That, of course, is partially due to the fact that it's a dry and balmy 74° in here! Hmmm...Now that I think about it, it's always somewhere between 65° and 75° in here!:D :) :cool:

John Hemenway
07-17-2005, 4:27 PM
We have been having temps in the high 80s and 90s for the past ten days. That is very unusual for the northwoods of Wisconsin. With all the water around here, the humidity has been incapacitating. Worst of all, we haven't had any rain for about three weeks. In fact, it's sooo dry that when I turn on the faucet in my kitchen, the water evaporates before it hits the bottom of the glass. I tried pouring a beer the other day and it dried back into hops and barley as it was coming out of the can!! :mad:

TRUST ME! I would NEVER lie to my friends! ;) WIMPS are quite another matter! :D :) Now, back into my air-conditioned shop! AHHHHHHHH!

Dale T.

Wait a minute here! High humidity AND fast evaporation. Laws of physics must be a little different 'way up North' :eek:

I think Dale is not being completly accurate...

In the 90's here but it really is dry so not too bad.

Dale Thompson
07-17-2005, 4:35 PM
[QUOTE=John Miliunas]Yikes, not even sure how to say this but,...but....but.....Well, I have to agree with Dale!:eek: We're sitting at just a touch above 90 in the shade right now and it's downright warm out there! :rolleyes: OTOH, you'll have to excuse my Cheesehead buddy there, in regards to the comment about the beer. The poor guy...An engineering type and all that, but missed the chapter on refrigeration. :confused: You see, Dale, if you use the same principal as the AC in your shop and confine the cold air created by it, you'd have yourself something called a "refrigerator". Like just now, I'm out in my shop and, after pulling a cold brew out of the fridge, I can pour it into my glass and it stays nice and refreshingly cold!:) That, of course, is partially due to the fact that it's a dry and balmy 74° in here! (QUOTE]

Hey spring,
I'm glad to see that you could make it back from the French Riviera and spend a few days with your peon subjects in Cheeseland! :cool: :p

In this heat, refrigeration is passe. Street drugs made from, "commonly available household chemicals" are the ONLY answer. :eek: By the way, bud, I missed a LOT of chapters in ALL books, including the injuneering ones! Whatever, you already KNOW that! :o

Dale T.

Dale Thompson
07-17-2005, 4:42 PM
Laws of physics must be a little different 'way up North' :eek:

There ARE no laws up here in the woods! ;) We just sit around and drink moonshine and wait for our next 9.8 earthquake! :eek: :eek: :cool:

Dale T.

Frank Pellow
07-17-2005, 7:49 PM
Dale, thanks for all the laughs.

Great job on the bookcases too.