View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Jason Solodow
07-16-2005, 6:58 PM
Okay, I don't normally start this thread and I know the weekend isn't over yet, but it is for me. I have to fly out for Houston early afternoon Sunday, so Sunday morning will be spent packing. Before I tell and show you what I accomplished, I will tell you how there is such a thing as providence. I had a very rough week at work, and for dealing with it someone upstairs must have thought I deserved a reward. As I'm on my way to my part time job after leaving my full time job (already put in a 14 hour day) I'm stuck in traffic and it's raining. I look out my car window and see these two guys cutting down a tree, my first thought is 'been there, done that whole cutting in the rain thing', followed very closely by 'wonder what kind of wood that is'. Right as the stoplight turns green the guy starts cutting into the tree and all I see is red dust flying from his saw. I did a U turn and pulled in front of his house just in time to see the first branch drop off. It was some absolutely gorgeous Box Elder. I go up to the owner and ask if he's taking the whole tree down, he tells me yes. I ask him does he have plans for it, he says 'yea, we're gonna take it out to my friend's house and burn it'. Needless to say I visibly twitched at that remark (I live by the old saying 'don't burn it, turn it'. So I casually ask, 'you mind if I took some of it?' "How much you want?" he asks, I smile 'How much can I have?', "Take the whole damn tree if you want it", I said done, I'll be back first thing in the morning with a chain saw and a trailer. So, after five hours of very hard work, I came away with TWO 9'x5' trailers full of Box Elder. I see many, many bowls and tons of happy hours at the lathe coming my way... Here's pics of the load...

Oh, the one with the tape measure next to it, that measures 32" in diameter, and that's only have the trunk. We had to cut it in half to move it.... All told I came away with 14 crotches and 4 burls...

Tim Morton
07-16-2005, 7:06 PM
since my weekend is JUST starting, I would say that qualifies more as a wood gloat...and a VERY impressive one at that....nice gloat!!!:D

John Miliunas
07-16-2005, 8:45 PM
Some folks are lucky...And then there's Jason!:D Looks to be a lot of workwas had, but what a haul! Congrats. Now, make sure you get all those sealed before you take off for anywhere, lest you find a whole bunch of cracked Box Elder when you return!:) :cool:

Jim Becker
07-16-2005, 8:49 PM
Oh, my...he SCORES! Big time!!! :D

Randy Moore
07-16-2005, 8:57 PM
Some people have all the luck.

If I fall in the out building at the farm :eek: I DON'T come out smelling like a rose.


Bob Noles
07-16-2005, 9:30 PM
Wow.... What a haul. You are going to be busy for a long time. That is some fantastic looking wood.

Norman Hitt
07-17-2005, 2:56 AM
Fantastic haul Jason. I've got a question, though. How the Heck did MY Shop Trash Can get in YOUR Garage? I knew the wind blew a little here the other day, but I didn't know it blew THAT hard. :D On the other hand, maybe it was the one I keep my Dog's Dry Food in, as it sets outside. Boy is He going to be P!$$&). :)

Hope you got all the ends Sealed before you leave. There sure should be some nice turnings in that stack.

Chris Barton
07-17-2005, 8:01 AM
Jason, I would be happy to help you turn some of that! WHat a great gloat!

John Hart
07-18-2005, 5:24 AM
Phenomenal score Jason. I got a bunch of Ambrosia Maple with that same pattern...only a different color....You are going to be very pleased with that haul and the resulting pieces. I look forward to seeing your future pics!!

Paul Canaris
07-18-2005, 8:04 AM
Well, on a much smaller scale, but in a similar vein. I turned 35 drawer/door pulls this weekend for a set of rolling cabinets for my workshop. The wood I used was <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City><st1:place>Mesquite</st1:place></st1:City>, and it came from my firewood pile. It's great when you can get good looking wood for a song...;)