View Full Version : What species of wood is this?

Brian Parker
11-21-2014, 8:05 AM
I would like to know for two reasons, the first is I'd like to buy more of this if I can, but I also want to read up on finishing techniques / colors for it.

A while back I purchased some small drops of this neat looking wood from a Woodcrafters store that I found on a travel. Anyway I was making a few small picture frames with it and really like it, the only problem is that I don't know what species it is. :confused:

I thought it was a type of maple at first glance but after handling it I'm thinking that it may be pine due to the light weight. I think that it may be Ambrosia Pine but I can't find anything out there with that name. I only thought Ambrosia after seeing Ambrosia Maple.

If anyone is able to correctly identify it, any idea where one can get more of it?


Duane Meadows
11-21-2014, 8:23 AM
Looks like a soft maple to me, wormy maple, but still maple. Just my guess!

Matt Day
11-21-2014, 9:15 AM
All the wormy maple or ambrosia maple I've use has at least some of the "flame" in it, and I've never seen that kind of density of worm holes. Scale is hard to tell from the pictures, but the holes look big too.

James Tibbetts
11-21-2014, 9:26 AM
+1 on it being maple. I've had some silver maple that was almost that wormy; very close in color and grain.

Brian Parker
11-21-2014, 9:54 AM
Good question, unfortunately I didn't think of that when I snapped the picture. The picture frame shown on the bottom has an opening 5.5" wide, each side of the frame is 1 3/8" wide.

roger wiegand
11-21-2014, 11:20 AM
I'd be sure to have done something about killing the bugs before bringing it in the house or shop! Agree that it looks like maple.

Yonak Hawkins
11-21-2014, 3:41 PM
Brian, can you give an idea of scale ? Are any of the boards 3/4" thick ?

Chris Padilla
11-21-2014, 4:30 PM
Does look like maple but back up a bit more and take another pic or two. Any wood can be wormy like that.

You mentioned that it feel light, however, so I'm wondering if it might be something else. Maple is pretty dense and the worms didn't chew enough away to make it lighter and I don't notice any ambrosia (which WOULD lighten the wood). It could be birch...maybe beech.

Lee Schierer
11-22-2014, 7:58 AM
It's definitely not beech. 300659 It looks like soft maple to me.

Bill Orbine
11-22-2014, 4:52 PM
Does look like maple but back up a bit more and take another pic or two. Any wood can be wormy like that.

You mentioned that it feel light, however, so I'm wondering if it might be something else. Maple is pretty dense and the worms didn't chew enough away to make it lighter and I don't notice any ambrosia (which WOULD lighten the wood). It could be birch...maybe beech.

I agree...it does look like maple but I have my doubts. I don't see the sort of grain pattern I normally see in any of the maple I worked with. And, normally, wormy maple tends to have stain streaks along the grain from the worm holes but not always. Nor do I think this is beech or birch.

scott vroom
11-22-2014, 5:38 PM
+1 wormy maple

Paul Hinds
11-22-2014, 7:03 PM
Post an end grain closeup of a very cleaned-up end grain and it might be easy to tell. Also a closer face-grain pic would be useful. hard to see the grain from that pic.