View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
11-17-2014, 9:36 AM
17 Nov 2014

Good Morning Everyone,
I've been spending a lot of time with family this week as well as talking and working with my youngest son. It would be really nice to have an "owners manual" like I have at work for specific computer issues. :)
I picked up an old cedar chest from a guy at work who wants it restored for his mother. My youngest son and I will work on this project together and my hope is that he will get outside of himself enough to enjoy it. I need to have it done before Christmas time and I think it will be a good enough project to take us about 2 weeks to get done. I'll be sure to post before and after pics of the project.

Back to the daily grind for me and it's already started. If you haven't started your Christmas shopping yet, I would suggest you get started. ;)

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Hunter Locke
11-17-2014, 10:07 AM
Dennis, last night we went over our Christmas gift list and budget, luckily I finished a few projects to fill up the list, but Christmas is approaching fast!

My wife and I found a nice dining room table set at a garage sale for $120, which will do nicely until I can build one.

I got some great medical news, and took a class on picture framing at the on post Arts and Crafts Center.

I'm not sure if it's an "accomplishment", but I took the first step in a new relationship with Festool. I can feel myself already losing traction on that slippery slope!

Peter Kelly
11-17-2014, 12:47 PM
Finally got the new motor on my S45. Working great now, just need to balance the upper wheel.


Michael Weber
11-17-2014, 1:16 PM
Yuk. Brick work:( After my last attempt years ago I swore I would never do it again. A real mason could probably have done in an hour what it took me all weekend to do. First attempt was so bad I tore it down and re-did it

Chris Hachet
11-17-2014, 1:30 PM
Had to travel out of town to judge a college debate tournament, so now real shop time. However, i did take along a copy of Norman Vandals book on Queen Anne furniture. I am planning on pushing my skills to build a lowboy at some point in the next year. I also need to build a Queen Anne style dressing table for our master bedroom.

Also organized my tools some.

Jim Becker
11-17-2014, 3:08 PM
Only few hours in the shop this weekend due to "general busyness", as it were, including a horse show. But I did get a tray component built for my current tack trunk commission as well as some renovation of my fastener storage system, specifically around the fasteners I am tending to use a lot of.