View Full Version : Burl Prices

Kurt Vilary
11-09-2014, 2:38 AM
I recently made contact with a fellow whose property is loaded with cherry burls (still standing). I had noticed the burls last year and I finally ran into him a few weeks back. He had no idea what he has until I informed him and... he is starting to clear out quite a bit of these trees for unrelated reasons. He walked me down to where he is discarding the debris and he told me to bring a chain saw and have at them. I immediately grabbed my saw zaw from my work truck and left with 2 of them. I have roughed 4 bowls from them( 4 to 8" diam) and the figure and colors are stunning. I stopped by last week, showed him 2 of the roughed and his apathy quickly switched to enthusiasm. He asked me "How much do you want per pound?". lol I had to chuckle.... Someone did some googling after our initial meeting.

I told him how to harvest and preserve any that he cuts down. And I would get back to him..

My question to everyone is..what and how should he charge for these burls on say craigslist? Or should I make him an offer for all of them as they come down. Im not paying a premium, cuz I dont need all of them, I know some turners who would love to have them and they were left to rot before I met him.

Any advice would be wonderful.