View Full Version : Cheap supplied air respirator that works great

Tom M King
11-04-2014, 7:21 PM
I put this together some years ago. The hood is a "disposable" Tyvek that has it's own built in short air hose, and a belt that is attached to the hose. The hood hose drops down the middle of your back, and the belt keeps it from launching off your head.

Here is a link to the hood: http://www.bosssafety.com/p-7207-allegro-tyvek-supplied-air-respirator-hood-replacement.aspx?gclid=CjwKEAiAj-KiBRC48YzhnLSg0D0SJAClOhK32Bv-Mh02yGSTGzPgagh7c63G2gLbgE2-TYM8Fy4b5hoCYArw_wcB For me, they last about a year. I'm not sure how many hours, but it's more than you might think. The face shield has a rip off protector on it, but it's not completely sealed to the built in window, so dust gets between the two fairly quickly. When I get out a new hood, I take the protector off to start with. I've had no trouble with the windows getting too scratched up.

The air source is a new $69 Shop Vac. You can't use one that has ever sucked up anything. That's why I bought a new one. It's marked very clearly "Breathing Air ONLY". Of course you use the outlet. http://www.lowes.com/pd_549706-20097-5921011_0__?productId=50159053&Ntt=shop+vacuums&pl=1&currentURL=%3FNtt%3Dshop%2Bvacuums&facetInfo=

The most expensive part of the system is enough hoses to make sure the air source can sit outside in clean air. So far, three of these have been enough. http://www.lowes.com/pd_17026-20097-9198111_0__?productId=1042233&cm_mmc=SCE_PLA-_-ToolsAndHardware-_-WetDryVac-_-1042233&CAWELAID=1040759360&kpid=1042233&CAGPSPN=pla&k_clickID=651c63f7-dfa1-4792-9cba-50435058b439&kpid=1042233

Other than breathing fresh air, no matter what the atmosphere where you are working, another good thing is that it keeps your head dry regardless of how hot the surrounding air is. In cold weather, you have to wear a cap to divert cold air to the outside of the hood. It normally blows straight down on top of your head. If you don't use the belt, it will not stay on your head.

I forgot how I rigged up the adaptor from vac hose to hood hose, but it does involve clean release duct tape.

Earplugs are recommended too, because it is kind of loud, but not as bad as you might think. You don't hear the vacuum much-mainly just the air movement.

Viking Mountain Tool Works
11-04-2014, 8:32 PM
Very interesting, would work well also for someone with a beard. I am not sure if it would not meet OSHA requirements though. I like the PAP respirators, but they are very expensive.

Tom M King
11-04-2014, 9:00 PM
I'm pretty sure it wouldn't meet OSHA requirements, but I still like it for some situations like the one in the picture. I expect it would work great for a lot of hobbyists, and even some pros-like me. I do have a beard, and only use a regular respirator on rare occasions where I need protection, but need to do a lot of moving around, like spray painting a room. It's nice to come out with a clean head if your day is not close to being done.

Joe Kaufman
11-05-2014, 10:05 AM
If you had a speed controller or light dimmer laying around you might try it to reduce the velocity and noise of the vacuum

Tom M King
11-05-2014, 5:19 PM
It's not bad enough to bother me. I keep foamy ear plugs in my pocket all the time anyway, and it's no bother putting on a cap in cold weather. The bill helps keep the front of the hood in a good place.