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View Full Version : Black Cherry pie stand finally finished

Leo Van Der Loo
11-01-2014, 11:02 PM
Got this one finished finally, has been sitting for years patiently waiting, this was also changed as to what it was going to be, or I was thinking it was going to be.

It was a nice piece of Black Cherry, had some curl but also showed a bit of brown rot, something Black Cherry gets often enough, but as it showed very little on the blanks outside, I thought I could turn that away, ja right https://forum.canadianwoodworking.com/images/smilies/1rolleyes.gif https://forum.canadianwoodworking.com/images/smilies/1eek.gif .

Turning it I found more and more rot going deeper, it became apparent that this wasn’t going to be a bowl, it started to look more like just a lot of shavings and a bit of firewood.

O.K. so now what do I do with it, as it was screwed to a faceplate the biggest part had screws in it and then there was some wood on the other end but that was much smaller than the top.

I made the decision to try make one of those Cake stands/platter from it, well who needs a Cake Stand anyway :rolleyes:, rough turned the leftover into a cake stand and then just put it away.

I’ve looked at that thing a million times, well finally took it and finished it, if you look closely you can maybe still find the filled screw-holes, I filled them with some Black Cherry wood pieces I turned and hammered in there, then some CA and the outcome not too bad IMO :confused:

It’s about 11 “ across and 5 “ high, still shows some of the brown rot, but that is not soft and doesn’t look too bad I think ??

All comments welcome https://forum.canadianwoodworking.com/images/smilies/smile1.gif

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Steve Schlumpf
11-02-2014, 12:20 AM
Leo - I really like this! Nice, simple curve and I absolutely love curly cherry! Glad you made the time to finish this - it was well worth the effort!

Kent Cartwright
11-02-2014, 6:59 AM
Very nice. I love how folks like you can "turn" lemons into lemonade!


Bob Bergstrom
11-02-2014, 8:39 AM
Great job. Maybe someone will bake a cake to show it off.

Dave Fritz
11-02-2014, 8:51 AM

What a lovely piece. People will have no idea how much fussing you had to do with that piece. Yes, brown rot is pretty common in cherry as I'm finding as I mill up some from our woods. I don't mind it as long as it's solid. I think your's looks great.

Dave Fritz

James Combs
11-02-2014, 1:04 PM
Leo that is a great looking turning and Cherry happens to be one of my favorites. Will be adding something similar to my todo list, I had gotten a little tired of ordinary bowls.

Leo Van Der Loo
11-03-2014, 11:41 PM
Leo - I really like this! Nice, simple curve and I absolutely love curly cherry! Glad you made the time to finish this - it was well worth the effort!

Thanks for the comment Steve :), yes the outcome was better than expected and now I don’t have to look at that not finished piece again, there are still a bunch more pieces that deserve to be finished, but you know when you are retired we have little time to do all those things we like or not so much like or have to do ;), I don't know how I was able to do all these things and have a full time job as well :rolleyes:

Leo Van Der Loo
11-03-2014, 11:45 PM
Very nice. I love how folks like you can "turn" lemons into lemonade!


Thanks Ken :D, ah but it is al about practice Ken, the more Lemons you make the more practice you get making lemonade :p

Leo Van Der Loo
11-03-2014, 11:48 PM
Great job. Maybe someone will bake a cake to show it off.

Thanks for commenting Bob :), Good idea, I should mention that to someone I know ;) :D

Leo Van Der Loo
11-03-2014, 11:55 PM

What a lovely piece. People will have no idea how much fussing you had to do with that piece. Yes, brown rot is pretty common in cherry as I'm finding as I mill up some from our woods. I don't mind it as long as it's solid. I think your's looks great.

Dave Fritz

Thank you for your reply Dave :), Have you some idea why this is more of a problem in one area than the next Dave ?, I’ve never been able to tell from the outside if is has or has no brown rot :confused:

Leo Van Der Loo
11-04-2014, 12:04 AM
Leo that is a great looking turning and Cherry happens to be one of my favorites. Will be adding something similar to my todo list, I had gotten a little tired of ordinary bowls.

Thanks James :), change does make for renewed interest I think,though I’ve not gotten tired of making bowls, as I take every bowl as a new challenge and not as a the same same again, that by itself can be a challenge maybe :confused:

Malcolm Schweizer
11-04-2014, 6:49 AM
So it only works for black cherry pies? :D

Nice work. I am looking for a project to use a new Jet lathe on. This gives me ideas.

Leo Van Der Loo
11-04-2014, 3:17 PM
So it only works for black cherry pies? :D

Nice work. I am looking for a project to use a new Jet lathe on. This gives me ideas.

Hmmnn nice, Black Cherry Pie, oh that’s been a while, maybe I could put that in the suggestion box :D :D :D.

Thanks for commenting Malcolm:), The size of this one would give the (mini ?) Jet lathe a real workout, bigger lathe and it’s easier done ;) 299496

Malcolm Schweizer
11-07-2014, 8:10 PM
Hahaha, this one has an 8' bed! Hardly a mini. I volunteer teaching at a workshop on Saturdays. They recently got this new lathe and I am itching to use it. I just have too many irons in the fire at the moment. The shop foreman wanted to turn bedposts on it. I may do something fun on it one day soon. I have a bunch of mango that a friend gave me- a whole tree that she had cut down. I think it was a sin, but I will give the tree new life.

Leo Van Der Loo
11-07-2014, 11:21 PM
Hahaha, this one has an 8' bed! Hardly a mini. I volunteer teaching at a workshop on Saturdays. They recently got this new lathe and I am itching to use it. I just have too many irons in the fire at the moment. The shop foreman wanted to turn bedposts on it. I may do something fun on it one day soon. I have a bunch of mango that a friend gave me- a whole tree that she had cut down. I think it was a sin, but I will give the tree new life.

HaHa yes indeed :D, since you didn’t give any indication of what size the Jet lathe was, I thought that you could have a Jet 1015, as many do have that lathe, I even have one, pretty dusty though.

Still as I said, bigger lathe and it is easier, doesn’t have to be exactly with a 8 foot bed Malcolm :rolleyes: :D.

I never turned Mango Malcolm, I can barely get some Mango fruit up here, I seen some while on holidays in Cuba,(the trees and wood that is) looks like nice dense wood, anyway good luck and have fun, hope you will show the piece when done 299906