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View Full Version : Cleaning silk ties

Brian Deakin
10-31-2014, 6:15 PM
Can anyone please provide advice/suggestions on how to clean silk ties

I would like to avoid paying for them to be cleaned at the drycleaners

regards Brian

Jerome Stanek
11-01-2014, 7:50 AM
Whats a tie

Phil Thien
11-01-2014, 9:20 AM
Look for K2r. Amazing stuff.


Brett Luna
11-01-2014, 10:44 AM
I have battled NtAD (Necktie Acquisition Disorder) for several years. To save time, frustration, and the tie itself, I usually recommend professional cleaning. But if the tie doesn't have a high enough monetary or sentimental value to make that worthwhile to you, I'd give the K2r a try, first on an inconspicuous spot on the tail.

Myk Rian
11-01-2014, 12:38 PM
Got chili on it, did ya?

Jim Becker
11-01-2014, 8:37 PM
I clean them by stopping wearing them quite some time ago...except maybe about twice a year for some "difficult" customer who expects "business dress" but then shows up in business casual while we are being strangled by our clothing.

Seriously, I agree with Brett...if it's a tie that is expensive or meaningful, pay for the pros. Otherwise, you can try the other suggestions.

Stan Calow
11-01-2014, 9:23 PM
What is the stain? If more than a spot, You can't clean with water without the liner shrinking.

Moses Yoder
11-02-2014, 4:17 AM
I have never found a properly sized shirt neck with a tie to be uncomfortable. Of course my ties are not grampa ties.

Rich Engelhardt
11-02-2014, 5:07 AM
Whats a tieThat's what the guy at the Esso or Sinclair gas station wore around his neck when he pumped the $.24 9/10 a gallon gas into your tank for you, checked your oil - anti freeze-brake fluid-coolant level-tire pressure and washed your windshield,,,,just prior to giving you a half sheet of S&H Green Stamps. ;).

I sort of miss that - - but - - I sure don't miss wearing a tie!

Malcolm Schweizer
11-02-2014, 6:10 AM
What's with all the tie haters? Women love a man in a tie. 'Nuff said. I wipe ties with a damp rag if it is a surface stain or dirt.

I stopped by a local bar/pizza joint on the way home from work. I was in a suit. This bar is at a dock and is frequented by fishermen. One guy was ragging on me, so I asked what his deal was. He said, "I'm just a rebel- I don't like suits and ties." I looked around the bar a few times and said, "How many men do you see in a suit and tie?" "None," he said, "other than you." I said well then who's really the rebel here- me alone in my suit and tie, or you dressed like every other fisherman in this bar." He bought my drink.