View Full Version : Stanley Bedrock 605

Jesse Busenitz
10-29-2014, 9:14 AM
I just bought this plane and I'm trying to clean it up, but I can't figure out how to disassemble it....299208 where do I go from here? it looks like theres 2 screws in the center of the pic holding it together but there's no slot for a screw driver, so I'm lost right now... Oh and I'm pretty new to hand planes so any advice setting up would be appreciated. Oh and I paid a whopping 20$ for this:D ps its a corrugated sole if that make any difference. Thx in advance! Jess

Derek Cohen
10-29-2014, 9:28 AM
Hi Jesse

The two "bolts" you refer to are locked in from behind the frog. You can see them in the photo below (left side) - the two outer screws (the centre one adjust forward and back) ..


Regards from Perth


Dave Parkis
10-29-2014, 9:59 AM
$20? Well, you certainly got a great deal, that's for sure. As Derek pointed out, the frog is actually locked in place by the two screws in the back of the frog. This allows you to advance/retract the frog without having to remove the iron/chip breaker from the plane and this is one of the big attractions of a Bedrock. There are a LOT of folks around here that can offer you some great insight on cleaning it, setting it up, and using it so don't be bashful.

Jesse Busenitz
10-29-2014, 10:27 AM
Ok, thanks guys. I had my brother look at who is a little more mechanical than I am and he figured it out just as you guys said. I noticed the frog I believe(second piece from the left in Derek's pic) on the leading edge it has some minor chips/dings is that going to be a problem? I'd say they're only 1/32 deep....
What's your method of cleaning? I took some emery cloth and polished most of it... left the black japanning? on. The tote is missing the beavertail, don't know if I should just use it as is?

Jesse Busenitz
10-29-2014, 10:31 AM
Also upon cleaning it up further I noticed it's a 605 1/2.

Jim Koepke
10-29-2014, 2:42 PM
Also upon cleaning it up further I noticed it's a 605 1/2.

Congratulations, that rates a "You Suck" award for the day. Your profile doesn't indicate a location. If you are in my area, send a PM if you would like some help getting your plane set up.

The #605-1/2 is a sought after size that usually has a premium price. Even the Bailey style #5-1/2 usually gets a heftier price than a #5.

The 'beaver tail' or horn on the tote can likely be repaired. Some folks use them broken.


Stew Denton
10-29-2014, 10:40 PM
Hi Jesse,

As Jim pointed out, you did extremely well. That was a super price even for a 605, and it was super duper for a 605 1/2.



Jesse Busenitz
10-30-2014, 7:46 AM
Jim, I'm near Whitewater, Ks which is NE of Wichita.... Thx for the offer though.

Mike Holbrook
10-30-2014, 11:13 AM
Jesse, a quick way to clean that plane body up is to purchase a gallon of Evapo-Rust, dump the liquid in a plastic container and totally submerge the metal plane parts in the liquid. Just leave it for a few hours or over night. The Evapo-Rust will melt all the rust off leaving a nice gray "patina". Evapo-Rust is water-soluable, ph-neutral, reusable, biodegradable, non-toxic and non-corrosive, safe on skin and eyes. A gallon lasts a long time and will remove the rust from lots of tools. You can even add water if you don't have enough to cover something.

The Evapo-Rust i bought and used to derust 4-5 planes, drill bits, rasps....is still sitting in a plastic container waiting to derust my next restoration project. It took me a few years to work up the courage to try it, now I wouldn't be without it. Simple, clean, easy, safe.

Chris Hachet
10-30-2014, 1:55 PM
Nice find. I would like to find a Bedrock 5 1/4, I have heard that is the rarest of the bedrock series. Probably just wind up buying one through Lie Nielson, but a regular bedrock would be the bees knees.

Moses Yoder
10-30-2014, 5:07 PM
Yes, yesterday I told you the 605 is worth $25 of your $325. With the extra 1/2 it is worth $5 less. In other news, you do indeed suck. The chips on the leading edge of the frog will not make one bit of difference. Just make sure the top of the frog is smooth, flat, and waxed. The latter of my opinions is factual, the former not so much.

Jesse Busenitz
10-30-2014, 6:34 PM
Thanks for the tip Mike. Chris, I was looking on CL and it looks like this guy has a 605 1/4 NFI...

Derek Cohen
10-30-2014, 7:58 PM
Hi Jesse

One piece of advice when rehabbing the handles: sand them back ... DO NOT finish them with any kind of oil. Oil and Rosewood do not mix, turning the Rosewood very dark and losing the grain. Most of us here have discovered this to our dismay.

Actually, one more item. You can strip and repaint if the Japanning is poor. You must remove it all, not part, otherwise the result looks lumpy. You can re-japan. I have done that. However for common planes I would simply spray with an engine paint. Several coats and it will look "right".

A recent #605 I did ...



Regards from Perth
