View Full Version : Can anyone I.D. this dovetail saw???

Harold Burrell
10-24-2014, 5:15 PM
I picked this up at an antique store yesterday. Does anyone recognize the brand, etc.?

(Sorry about the pics. It's kind of hard taking clear pictures of something shiny...)

Tony Shea
10-24-2014, 7:27 PM
Is there any way to get a picture of the whole saw? The handle and shape of the saw as a whole will tell more than something that is almost not legible. If I had to guess by just the pictures you've got posted I think it is a relatively recent saw. It doesn't seem to be a true etch and the plate has a very rough grind. I am far from a saw expert though, this is just going by what saws I've seen in the wild. I am not a collector at all but just a user so I am probably the wrong person to help.

george wilson
10-24-2014, 10:06 PM
Master Mechanic? That was someone's house brand.

bridger berdel
10-25-2014, 3:42 AM
Master mechanic is the house brand for true value hardware. Generally useable, mostly made in china and india.

george wilson
10-25-2014, 8:23 AM
I knew it was some house brand like that,but was tired last night. I can actually make that name out,though.
It MUST be good,because it says "Professional" right on it!!:)

Stewie Simpson
10-25-2014, 9:27 AM
The gauge on the saw plate looks overly generous to be of any use as a dovetail saw. Quite a relaxed rake angle on those teeth. That will need to be changed.
