View Full Version : ShopNotes has been discontinued.

Edward Oleen
10-24-2014, 4:34 PM
Yes, it is true, or that is the case according to the two people in the customer service department that I have just finished talking to.

I ordered it at the beginning of August, and have received no issues. E-mails, yes, but no magazines. Today I received a bill, noting that I had not paid for my subscription. (I hadn't paid up front - the ad said they'd bill me. This seems to be common practice - at least it has been the case for every other publication that I and my wife subscribe to.)

Surprised, I found their phone number (800-333-5854) and called it.

I explained to the woman who answered that I had a bill and no issues after more than two months. I was told that my account had yet to be paid. I explained why, and again asked when the subscription would start: the bill indicated an expiration of "AUG 15", which would be correct if I subscribed in August of this year.

I again asked when my subscription would start, and I was told that Shop Notes was no longer being published.

So that is the way it is: Shop Notes is dead. WoodSmith will be enlarged to include some of the material that used to be in Shop Notes. People at August Home Publishing Company have been laid off, or so I have been told.

I guess greed wins again.

Larry Browning
10-24-2014, 5:38 PM
I guess greed wins again.

It's not greed, it's simple math. If a business is not making money or very little money, it will not survive.

I hate it that shopnotes is going under, but glad to hear that Woodsmith will continue. Sounds like the internet has claimed another victim.

I just went to the shop notes website and there seems to me no indication that they are shutting down. They showed the current October issue, and a link to last months. Google search didn't tun up anything about them shutting down either. This must not be public knowledge.

Rich Engelhardt
10-24-2014, 5:38 PM
That's a shame.
I was going to subscribe to Shop Notes since my subscription to Wood has run out.

Jerry Thompson
10-24-2014, 6:49 PM
It is tiring to see people defaulting to "Greed." Business is business. It is not greed to make a profit. If you do not like a company making money don't buy their products.
I do not buy any magazines any longer as they are too expensive. Almost anything I want to know I can get on the Net.

Larry Frank
10-24-2014, 7:49 PM
I was always on the fence with Shopnotes. There were some good articles but I think that a lot of them were beginning to be questionable. I was not going to renew my subscription the next time it came up.

I think that they did the right thing. If it was not a money making business, then there was no need to keep it going. They were not putting the magazine out for charity.

Matt Meiser
10-24-2014, 7:51 PM
Greed? Wow, how'd you get ahold of the financials for this privately held company to know that????

glenn bradley
10-24-2014, 8:03 PM
I just got issue #138. There was an option to get the hardcopy gratis with the online library I subscribe to. The website still offers subscriptions and trial copies ???

Duane Meadows
10-24-2014, 8:07 PM
Don't really need financials... businesses don't usually go out of business for greed, they go out of business because they are loosing money. Suppose you could look at it as greed not wanting to loose more money, but... stretching it a bit? My accountant years ago, said anything that is not not making money shouldn't continue in a business. He had a point.

Oh and Glenn, Websites are the last thing to be updated when a business is closing. especially for a company that does not need to have clearance sales!

All this said just got another issue a couple of weeks ago. Will wait and see before renewing , though.

Doug Ladendorf
10-24-2014, 9:27 PM
Bummer, I always liked Shop Notes. I just zipped through issue #138 that came recently. I don't read them cover to cover like I did when I started and was actually thinking about letting it go. I do think it's excellent for beginners who are setting up shop. Good luck to the folks.

ken masoumi
10-24-2014, 9:40 PM
I would love to order SN magazines but the price double for outside US,$24.95 for 6 issues within the us .$42 for Canada:eek:

Keith Hankins
10-24-2014, 9:42 PM
Hate that. I've been a big fan of woodsmith and shop notes for ever and a subscriber. Seems choices are getting harder to come by. They killed FWW to the point I don't take that one anymore.

Steven Powell
10-24-2014, 11:29 PM
I guess greed wins again.

The first day of my ECON 101 class in college I learned that businesses "exist solely to make a profit."

10-24-2014, 11:35 PM
A friend once told me he was in the business of "making money" and he did that by running an engineering firm.

Edward Oleen
10-24-2014, 11:48 PM
It is tiring to see people defaulting to "Greed." Business is business. It is not greed to make a profit. If you do not like a company making money don't buy their products.
I do not buy any magazines any longer as they are too expensive. Almost anything I want to know I can get on the Net.

Greed? Wow, how'd you get ahold of the financials for this privately held company to know that????

The current subscription price of $24.95 per issue, for 6 issues a year, is 4 bucks a pop. I've worked for publishers: (I'm a retired programmer: I wrote and maintained the programs that did the book-keeping, including the data for profit-and-loss and source-and-application-of-funds: the per copy cost is nowhere near that at the worst, with the exception of the "fashion mags", with lots and lots of slick paper and photo composition, neither of which applies to Shop Notes, now does it????.

Ray Newman
10-25-2014, 12:49 AM

Issue #138 is on my reading table right now.

Malcolm Schweizer
10-25-2014, 2:38 AM
Are we sure this is true, or could two call center agents just be confused as to which of the numerous print publications are no longer being printed?

Shop notes is one of two publications I read; the other being Fine Woodworking. Their shop jigs were a bit over the top, but I always admired the ingenuity. I think the spindle shaping router thingamajig was the coolest shop jig I will never build, all respect intended.

Matt Meiser
10-25-2014, 8:46 AM
I've worked for publishers.

This publisher? Recently?

Cameron Hood
10-25-2014, 10:28 AM
This seems a little strange. People say they are still getting copies of the magazine, yet it is going out of business. I have a suspicion that the original poster subscribed to the magazine from one of these con artist organizations--you know the kind that have nothing to do with the magazine at all, but advertise subscriptions at exceptionally good prices. Then they send you an invoice in hopes that you pay it. After you pay and aren't getting the magazine, you complain and find out that the organization that billed you no longer exists, or if you complain to the real publisher, you find that they have nothing to do with the people who billed you.

Any chance that this explains the whole thing?

Howard Acheson
10-25-2014, 12:04 PM
I have been a long-time subscriber to Woodsmith and I have issue #1 of ShopNotes and all subsequent issues. The genesis of ShopNotes was to break off all the articles that related to work shop tools and jigs into a separate publication. Within a few years August Home found that there was not enough new material to justify a separate publication and announced plans to discontinue publication of ShopNotes. August Home indicated that they would would publish the lesser number of articles in the Woodsmith magazine. A number of subscribers raised a hue and cry and August Homes cancelled their plans. Maybe the same will happen now.

Maybe this

Doug Ladendorf
10-25-2014, 12:42 PM
The current subscription price of $24.95 per issue, for 6 issues a year, is 4 bucks a pop. I've worked for publishers: (I'm a retired programmer: I wrote and maintained the programs that did the book-keeping, including the data for profit-and-loss and source-and-application-of-funds: the per copy cost is nowhere near that at the worst, with the exception of the "fashion mags", with lots and lots of slick paper and photo composition, neither of which applies to Shop Notes, now does it????.

What DOES apply to ShopNotes is no advertising. It's completely supported by buyers of the magazine. I don't know what you are including in the production costs but I hardly think anyone was taking in the big bucks with ShopNotes. Hard copy magazines have been struggling to make ends meet and closing down at an increasing pace. I really don't understand where the idea is coming from that this magazine is being closed by this publisher because of greed. That seems like nonsense to me.

Halgeir Wold
10-25-2014, 1:47 PM
As for those who thinks it's expensive...... international sub's are around 25-35$ a year......
I did subscribe to woodworkers Journal for some years, but droppes it, as I found there was too much reprints, and that a fair number of articles often had little relevance to me as european. A paper shop in a nearby town have some of the US WW mags on the shelf, and I just look through before I buy...
Fine Woodworking is around 25$ a piece....

Rick Potter
10-25-2014, 1:48 PM
My favorite mag.

Rick P

Mac McQuinn
10-25-2014, 7:07 PM
If "ShopNotes" is indeed now defunct, I'll certainly miss it. I enjoyed their format and built more projects from their articles than from any other publication. I feel SN could survive by raising the price a bit, perhaps to $6.00 and add content by (5) pages or so. This would help offset their lack of advertisement which I appreciate. I'd like to see a focused section on a specific woodworker and his designs, something which would change with the issues.

My local B&N's carries UK publications in several different venues, including automobiles, motorcycles, homes and woodworking. Oddly enough these magazines are rather expensive although seem to be doing a good job filling a void left by American titles slowly disappearing off the shelves. As I've purchased some of the UK titles, I've found them to be well done with solid content. Oddly enough, even with with additional overhead due to overseas shipping and a cover price much higher than American titles, their presence seems to be expanding. They must be doing something right.


Bill Huber
10-25-2014, 8:30 PM
Maybe it is my fault, I have received over $1300, 2 impact drivers and a Kerg jig from them for tips.

I will sure hate to see them go if this is indeed a fact.
I really like it and it is one that I read cover to cover and keep all of them.

Wade Lippman
10-25-2014, 10:17 PM
I am not familiar with the publication, but just out of curiosity I went to their website and signed up for the trial issue. Seems to have gone through; suggests they are not stopping publication.

If I were even more curious, I guess I would call them and ask.

Jim Stearns
10-25-2014, 10:35 PM
I hope it's not true. I recently subscribed to both Wood Smith and Shop Notes. I just received SN 138 Thursday I think.

Rick Potter
10-27-2014, 1:36 AM
I'm with you Bill. Received over $800 in tips and an article. I also have issue 138.

Rick P

Justin Meyer
10-27-2014, 1:17 PM
With all due respect to the OP, has anyone taken the time to double check if this is true by checking on their own subscription?

Justin Meyer
10-27-2014, 1:28 PM
I called up the subscription number (8004447527) and spoke with "Tammy". I asked if the possible rumor of ShopNotes' demise were true and she "could not confirm it". It could have been the way I phrased the question that made here answer sound a little cagey, but upon rephrasing she indicated as far as she was aware it was still being published and it had not been canceled.

Mike Wilkins
10-27-2014, 3:15 PM
Believe it or not, but Shop Notes does have advertising in their magazine. Each issue seems to have a late/great/neat tool that makes your woodshop life much easier, and they do print the manufacturers name and photo of the tool. I do not suscribe, but check the local BN in case there is an interesting article or 2 in the current issue.
I also try to find a great UK mag, Furniture and Cabinetmaking, which has some neat articles, projects and features not found in the US based publications. Hit or miss finding one, but worth the $9-10 price.

Larry Browning
10-27-2014, 4:43 PM
Believe it or not, but Shop Notes does have advertising in their magazine. Each issue seems to have a late/great/neat tool that makes your woodshop life much easier, and they do print the manufacturers name and photo of the tool. I do not suscribe, but check the local BN in case there is an interesting article or 2 in the current issue.
I also try to find a great UK mag, Furniture and Cabinetmaking, which has some neat articles, projects and features not found in the US based publications. Hit or miss finding one, but worth the $9-10 price.

Are you saying that you think they are receiving money from these manufactures? Or are you saying that they are giving free advertising? You could say the same thing about SMC, every time someone gives a positive review of some tool, or answers a question about one. I just think it is quite a stretch to say it is advertising by simply mentioning a name and publishing a picture.

Bruce Wrenn
10-27-2014, 8:52 PM
I'm a charter subscriber for ShopNotes, and have every issue of Woodsmith. Lately, I've noticed both magazines featuring more and more Rockler stuff. As for free issue, they produce a special issue for the "teaser." Never known anyone not to get theirs. I remember when August Home trashed Workbench for something else, which probably failed. I know I didn't renew. As for payment for tips, I've hit them all (FWW, AWW, ShopNotes, Woodsmith, and of course the "Top Tip" in Wood.))

Wade Lippman
10-27-2014, 9:08 PM
As for free issue, they produce a special issue for the "teaser."

The free (or more properly "trial") issue isn't a real one!? That seems rather counterproductive.

John T Barker
10-27-2014, 10:11 PM
Maybe it is my fault, I have received over $1300, 2 impact drivers and a Kerg jig from them for tips.

I will sure hate to see them go if this is indeed a fact.
I really like it and it is one that I read cover to cover and keep all of them.

Enough of your greed. Send the money back.

Myk Rian
10-27-2014, 10:17 PM
I just got issue #138.
So did I. Really like the sawhorse idea.

Ken Fitzgerald
10-27-2014, 10:46 PM
As of this morning, the website was still selling subscriptions. August Home Publishing to my knowledge has a good reputation. With Woodsmith Shop on PBS, and their published magazines, I can't imagine they'd do anything to tarnish their reputation.

I sent an email to the publisher asking if there is a plan to discontinue publishing ShopNotes. I will respond to this thread once they answer my email.

Robin Powlus
10-28-2014, 11:51 AM
I contacted Shopnotes. Their reply:

"Hi Robin,
Thank you for writing. Yes, it is sad, but true. We confirmed it late yesterday that issue #138 (Dec/14) will be the last published issue. It is an unfortunate business reality. We are hoping most readers will continue on with the long running Woodsmith magazine. We don't have the final details on how we will be handling remaining subscribers, but if you are ok with transferring your remaining issues over to Woodsmith I'd be happy to facilitate this for you. Just let me know.
Best Regards,
XXXX, Manager
August Home Customer Service"

Ken Fitzgerald
10-28-2014, 11:58 AM
This morning I got a reply to my email from the Customer Service Manager at August Home:

Hi Ken,

Thank you for writing. Yes, unfortunately it is true. It is a business reality that we must cease publishing ShopNotes magazine. We got confirmation late yesterday from our publisher that the Dec issue #138 will be the last issue published. Our publisher is still working on the details regarding the end of ShopNotes and how it affects current subscribers. Obviously we hope that ShopNotes subscribers will want to continue with Woodsmith magazine, 35 yrs young and going strong. We plan to increase page count with the Feb/Mar issue of Woodsmith to make it an even better magazine.

Best Regards,
Jennie Enos, Manager
August Home Customer Service

So it turns out Edward was right about ShopNotes ceasing publication. ShopNotes #138 is the last issue that will be published.

On the other hand, Edward is wrong stating greed wins out. Profit isn't a profane word but a business reality. If a product doesn't make a profit, companies will stop manufacturing that product. To continue to producing a product that costs more to produce than the revenue it generates could cause the entire company to go bankrupt. Bankrupt companies don't support any workers.

Today's world of the internet and television makes it much more difficult for publishing companies to be profitable. Look at the number of people who state they gave up magazine subscriptions because they have access to woodworking blogs or websites like SMC and other websites. Personally I prefer printed media. I can read it in the comfort of my recliner or in my bed at night before I go to sleep and I can place it on the work bench by me for quick reference as I am trying to duplicate the process.

Magazines aren't the only publishing products feeling the competition. I watch as our local newspaper established in 1892, struggles to keep publishing. Most media, internet, television, even the Weather Channel concentrate on the two coasts. The news reported is more concentrated about the East coast and West Coast. Most of that news has little effect on me personally. The same news medias obsess and rant over a few major topics and don't report others. It is impossible to get any unbiased political stories from any of the major news networks or television networks. They all have an agenda and a bias. Few if any stories are reported with just the facts but rather arrogantly edited so the unintelligent masses might understand. I feel our local newspaper does a better job reporting news that is relevant to our community and on the national level is often more accurate because they don't have to report with inaccuracies to try to beat the other television or internet medias on the air or on line with the story.

Profit isn't greed. A company that isn't profitable goes out of business and supports nobody.

Myk Rian
10-28-2014, 1:11 PM
I sent a comment at the Shopnotes website to transfer my remaining issues to Woodsmith.
They ask for a 10 digit account number, but there are only 9.
We shall see what happens.

john davey
10-28-2014, 1:22 PM
Hmm, I subscribe to both so I wonder what will come of that? To bad I like them both but sadly the internet is flat out killing print publications. I just wish more of them jumped on a web based product sooner as they could carry on with that. Sadly many are behind the curve on that.

Dan Hunkele
10-28-2014, 1:43 PM
I would bet they will send notice in the mail that it will automatic transfer unless there is an objection.

Keith Hankins
10-28-2014, 1:58 PM
That sucks. One of the few left I will pay for. Thanks for the memories.

David Masters
10-28-2014, 3:41 PM
Just my luck. I sent them money for a two year subscription just two weeks ago. I'll have to call them to see if I can obtain a refund.

Lorne Steed
10-28-2014, 3:50 PM
I can confirm that it was a business decision to shut the magazine down...Woodsmith will continue on though. The reason I know this is that I had just renewed my subscription a week ago and after reading this column, I phoned the subscription line and explained that I had heard this rumor. The lady confirmed it as true and mentioned that they had only just learned yesterday of the decision. She spoke with her supervisor about a refund and said that a refund to my credit card will be processed today.

Phil Thien
10-28-2014, 4:26 PM
Actually, I think it is a good idea to roll all the content into a single magazine. In the past I didn't want to subscribe to BOTH, but also didn't want to pick JUST ONE. So I defaulted to neither.

Now I assume that the best content will make it into the magazine, whether it is jig or shop-built machine or fine woodworking project.

So this move actually increases the chances of getting me as a subscriber.

dennis thompson
10-28-2014, 8:39 PM
I wonder why they didn't try to accept advertising rather than shut down. While I find advertising on TV objectionable, (particularly during football games which I now record and watch after the game is almost over) in a magazine you can just ignore it.

Bruce Wrenn
10-28-2014, 9:35 PM
I wonder why they didn't try to accept advertising rather than shut down. While I find advertising on TV objectionable, (particularly during football games which I now record and watch after the game is almost over) in a magazine you can just ignore it.It was their business plan not to accept advertising. As for skipping commercials, you are making advertisers not want to advertise, which shrinks programing choices and content. Look at both FHB, and FWW and how they have shrunk. Not everybody enjoys a monopoly like cable / Direct, or Dish, where I'm forced to buy a bunch of channels that I will never watch. Last year, when recovering from knee replacement, most days there were at any given time a dozen stations telling me how to have a "Brazilian Butt." Like I really need it, but had to pay for those channels.

dennis thompson
10-29-2014, 4:42 AM
It was their business plan not to accept advertising. As for skipping commercials, you are making advertisers not want to advertise, which shrinks programing choices and content. Look at both FHB, and FWW and how they have shrunk. Not everybody enjoys a monopoly like cable / Direct, or Dish, where I'm forced to buy a bunch of channels that I will never watch. Last year, when recovering from knee replacement, most days there were at any given time a dozen stations telling me how to have a "Brazilian Butt." Like I really need it, but had to pay for those channels.
While "it was their business plan not to accept advertising" their plan is obviously failing, why not try something else?

Matt Meiser
10-29-2014, 7:50 AM
Because then they'll be just another shrinking magazine with advertising? Magazines that accept advertising aren't doing well either.

Myk Rian
10-29-2014, 12:18 PM
I sent a comment at the Shopnotes website to transfer my remaining issues to Woodsmith.
They ask for a 10 digit account number, but there are only 9.
We shall see what happens.
Got an email today. Woodsmith is good to go until July 2015.

Mark Patoka
10-29-2014, 1:00 PM
Too bad to hear but understandable. It's really hard to even find many of the print magazines for sale as many of the big box stores (blue and orange) have minimized their magazine selections. Hopefully combining both SN and Woodsmith into one will keep it a viable operation. I'll admit when I have seen SN the past few years, I just haven't found the jigs something I needed or wanted to build but I really do like the quality of their projects and the publications.

john davey
11-18-2014, 10:58 AM
What really is weird is they refunded me the difference for my subscription and cancelled it. But that made them dissapear from my ipad. I have the online subscription which uses Kindle reader. Once the subscription was cancelled they ones I purchased were removed from the reader. They did not refund the whole amount so it only would seem fair that I keep the ones I had??? Kinda sucks...

Bob Coughter
11-21-2014, 4:09 PM
Just wanted to mention I called Shop Notes after finding this thread. I had just sent a renewal payment earlier this month. They said they will be sending out mailers to people who have paid for renewals, or have credit left on their subscription, with options on how to apply those balances towards other publications or products within August Home. She said they are still working out some details on how to hande that, but it sounds like people with outstanding money in it aren't hung out to dry. I liked SN, nice tips and I want to build several of the projects, but I do remember thumbing trough Woodsmith in the book store and noticing a lot of similarities. Maybe I'll go with that.

Ted Reischl
11-21-2014, 7:11 PM
I have most of the magazines except for the last year or so. For a while there they seemed to be getting a bit redundant. The other day I took a look at the website and purchased the CD with all 138 magazines for $99 I believe. That is an incredible bargain at .72 an issue. The reason I bought it even though I have most of the issues is that it is easier to find something and I like to browse while my better half watches cooking shows. I used to carry a stack of them over by my chair to flip thru them. Now I can just do that on the computer and even zoom in when I want to see up close detail.

Just looked at the latest issue and it has a great solution for my new workshop!

Brett Luna
11-21-2014, 7:38 PM
I received an e-mail from Barnes & Noble the other day notifying me that the mag is discontinued, that my subscription was canceled, and that the issues I have will remain in my library. I'm gonna miss the mag.

Talbert McMullin
12-23-2014, 11:08 AM
I was a charter subscriber to ShopNotes, but dropped my subscriptions to both WoodSmith and ShopNotes several years ago because they were starting to take up some serious space in our new "downsized" house. Why did ShopNotes fold? They ran out of ideas! What the folks at August Home gave us is a comprehensive library on setting up your shop! It took them over 20 years to build this library, but where else can the beginning (or even advanced) woodworker turn to for ideas and plans to boot?

It's a badly needed addition to the world of woodworking and will serve woodworkers everywhere for many years to come. I hope August Home continues to offer the CD and the library. As they say, "It's not the destination, it's the journey". And what a journey it has been!

Brian Tymchak
12-24-2014, 9:58 AM
I called ShopNotes when I saw this thread start. They confirmed they were folding up shop. They gave me the option of a refund since I had just re-upped for 2 years, or to take the balance in Woodsmith subscription. I took the refund and they were very prompt in getting it out to me. The customer rep told me they were (or might be) planning to add pages to Woodsmith to carry some of the ShopNotes style content.