View Full Version : 1221vs Power Switch

Stan Smith
10-19-2014, 6:53 PM
G'day all. I've been working on a box and I keep hitting the power switch while hollowing out the inside of the base. I'm thinking about making a little box, open on one end or maybe one of those little plastic berry baskets, to cover it. I thought I might just attach the box with rare earth magnets. Has anyone else done something similar?


Dan Masshardt
10-19-2014, 8:44 PM
I occasionally hit it while hollowing.

I wouldn't want it covered though. I think it's important to be able to hit it quickly and easily if you get in trouble.

Dan Henry
10-20-2014, 8:35 PM
I had a same problem when a made a cabinet stand for my 1221 and had the lathe too close to the edge of the top, I move the lathe back an inch and now my hip hits the edge of the top rather than the switch. If you have the lathe on a stand you could put a piece of sheet goods between the lathe and the stand to keep your hip from hitting the switch.


Stan Smith
10-21-2014, 12:27 PM
@2 Dans

Thanks guys. I agree that it would be safer to be able to quickly power down. My lathe is close to the front edge of the cabinet because it was easier for me to get the mounting bolts on that way. Obviously I didn't think things through re hollowing. I'm going to cut a 1/2" piece of mdf to fit around the lathe leg sticking out far enough that I'll hit the mdf with my hip rather than the switch. It seems that I read something once that spoke to the switch position and that it should have been on the headstock end. Thanks for getting me to think more about a sensible solution.


Thom Sturgill
10-21-2014, 2:26 PM
They moved the switch (compared to the 1220, which was my first lathe) as a safety feature. If turning from the end you do not have to reach over the spinning wood to shut the machine down. Many of us with larger machines mount a secondary switch for just that purpose.

Stan Smith
10-21-2014, 7:13 PM
Thanks for that info, Thom. I think the switch on the 1014 I had was on the left side.

Here's my solution: