View Full Version : Inside Bowl Sanding & Hollow Forms

Dok Yager
10-15-2014, 10:17 AM
Question of what everyone uses for inside bowl sanding and hollow forms? So far I have used just sandpaper and the 60.180 and 400 grit balls. Thinking of trying something better and less finger numbing. Have seen the handled disc sanders, however some like them and some say they are junk. Suggetions?

Scott Hackler
10-15-2014, 11:38 AM
Bowls (inside and out) and outside of everything but finials is with a right angle drill from Harbor Freight with Vince's disks.

Inside hollow forms is a non issue for me because the hole is generally 1/2". If they can't stick their finger inside...who cares! :)

That being said, I do attempt as smooth a interior surface as the tool presentation will allow.

Vase forms (large mouthed vessels) are sanded with a stick with a slot in the end to hold a folded sanding disc.

Thomas Canfield
10-16-2014, 1:14 AM
I have not done it, but Kelly Dunn told me several years back, that he used the 5"PSA sanding disks with slits cut and wrapped around a buff ball or soft rubber ball to sand the interior of hollow forms and vessels. I saw him do it and it looks like a good idea, but I have never picked up the disks. Maybe now I need to do that. I use a 2 or 3" sanding disk on a 12" drill bit extension with 1/2" PVC tube for hand hold otherwise if I cannot get angle drill and disk or hand held paper inside. I have also used surgical thongs to hold sandpaper for small openings.