View Full Version : "Old timers" has set in...

Joe Kieve
10-11-2014, 11:50 AM
I need to cut a 10" X 10" hole in a piece of plywood. I'll be using my PC690 and a guide bushing. The OD of my bushing is 1/2" and using a 1/4" straight bit. I get the difference as 1/8" (1/2" minus 1/4" divided by 2). Pretty straightforward so far.

Do I cut my template 10" plus 1/8" or 10" plus 1/4"?? Can't seem to wrap my foggy brain around this. Guess I could cut one and find out but no need if you can help.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Al Launier
10-11-2014, 12:03 PM
1/4" (=1/8" each side)

Jerry Miner
10-11-2014, 12:52 PM
Yes, 1/8" offset on each side = 1/4" total

Easier on the router (and bit) if you rough-out with a jigsaw and only clean up the last 1/8" or so with the router

Joe Kieve
10-11-2014, 1:43 PM
Thanks Al and Jerry. 1/4" is what I was thinking but couldn't convince myself of it. I appreciate the help.