View Full Version : Imagine That

charlie knighton
10-06-2014, 9:37 AM
Imagine That from the Calabash Zia series
Near Holly Ruin, Hovenweep National Monument, the rock artwaits for the summer solstice. A thinhorizontal shaft of sunlight splits the spiral and concentric circles justbeneath the overhang ceiling, during the summer solstice. We may never know what the rock art means, orweather it was done at the same time or 100 years apart. Two spirals, a concentric circle, a dumbbell,and four sqidlley lines, and of course the summer solstice.
Imagine a message from the past. Spirals normally mean migration, but also asolstice, or both, solstice migration. One spiral is open at its core and outside. The other spiral is closed both at its coreand outside. Imagine the close solsticemigration is earths people who stay in the earth’s dimension. The open spiral would therefore mean themovement of migration between different dimensions or worlds. The concentric circle supports that in thatit marks the path that a shaman moves between dimensions or worlds.
Imagine the dumbbell and the four sqidlley lines. The lines can depict a map, showing how fourpeople traveled to the conference. Twoof the sqidlley lines appear to be the same, or that two people came from thesame starting place. The other two linesshow that one person came from farther away and the other not so far, but fartherthan the first twol The dumbbell depictsthe conference. There are five rays offthe dumbbell, four on one side, depicting the earth people and one on theotherside of the dumbbell. That one isthe star person who attended the conference from another dimension or world at the summer solstice.
Imagine That

Bill White
10-06-2014, 10:20 AM
I had a moment like that. I found it at the bottom of a scotch bottle.
Guess that I just don't understand what this is about. ??????????

charlie knighton
10-06-2014, 1:03 PM
Bill, thanks for looking and commenting.
I am still trying to work out this wall of rock art.