View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
10-06-2014, 9:01 AM
6 Oct 2014

Good Morning Everyone,
Spent some time getting some dirt work done around the addition that was added to the house. Got a good bit done but it's slow because I no longer have the tractor with bucket to move the dirt so it was back to using shovels and the little pull trailer behind the lawn mower. Slow but we got done what I needed to get done. I'm sore from all the shoveling but I guess that just means that I need to do that more. :)
Been getting some of the western cedar work done in the sun room and I hope to have that done this week. I really need to get all the loose ends tied up so I can claim that it's ALL done, but I can't seem to find the energy and the time any more. Work is taking a good bit of time and energy and that comes before my needs around the house. It pays the bills and it is what it is. In time...I'll have it all done.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Charles Taylor
10-06-2014, 9:36 AM
Wrapped up construction of a dust hood for my miter saw. I didn't think I'd get it quite right the first time, and I didn't--the saw can't swing to its horizontal angle limits thanks to the sides being too close in. Because the sides are removable, though, that's a problem I can tinker with easily.

Watched my Crimson Tide fall to the Ole Miss Rebels Saturday afternoon.

On Sunday afternoon got much of the work done on a very plain and simple shelf unit for the teenage daughter. I hope to get it fully together tonight so she can spend part of her fall break this week painting it.

Shawn Pixley
10-06-2014, 10:45 AM
Last week was long and hot. Saturday I upgraded the iPhone & iPad to iOS 8. Spent most of the rest of the day and part of Sunday forming my Yanagiba blank to rough shape. Jumped in the ocean to cool off.

I also cut my hair. I hadn't cut my hair since before the surgery and it was few inches lower than my shoulders. It had been driving me crazy, so off it came.

Rod Sheridan
10-06-2014, 11:02 AM
Hi, I continued work on a change table for my daughter's friend.

I also made a couple of jigs for the band saw seminar I'll be hosting at Felder in a couple of weeks...........Rod.

Jim Becker
10-06-2014, 9:39 PM
Busy weekend...seeding and mulching an area when I pulled a stump out, overseeding the lawn, installing a wall sconce in my daughter's bedroom to take away the cord-temptation from Rufus, the Flemish Giant Bunny who shares her room, cooking a great meal on Saturday night, Horse Show on Sunday, building a storage shelf in the shop for my pneumatic fastener inventory, etc.

Jim Matthews
10-06-2014, 9:43 PM
I also cut my hair. I hadn't cut my hair since before the surgery and it was few inches lower than my shoulders. It had been driving me crazy, so off it came.

If I could still grow hair on my head, it would be halfway down my back.
Let your "freak flag" fly, while you can.