View Full Version : LED Edge lit base

Andrew Timothy
10-06-2014, 5:12 AM
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone knows a supplier in Australia of LED Edge Lit bases for Acrylic signs. I'm not having any success in locating one.
Also, just about to do my first engraving job of Champagne flutes and Whiskey glasses for a wedding. Can anyone recommend settings or other tips that will give a great result. I have a RayJet 30watt machine with rotary device.
Thanks in advance. :confused:

Dan Kozakewycz
10-07-2014, 4:25 AM
Edge lit bases appear to be a bit of a difficult one to get hold of.

I ended up making my own on the laser, complete with a USB power supply, and will continue doing that from now on. It's cheap and I get exactly what I want! :)

Andrew Timothy
10-07-2014, 5:25 AM
Thanks Dan.

Mike Null
10-07-2014, 6:50 AM

Do a search for edge lit LED lighting. There have been many threads on the topic and you may come across some options.

Ron Thompson
10-10-2014, 5:00 PM
Hey Dan,

Could we see your base? And would you share the layout...

Ron in California

Dan Kozakewycz
10-11-2014, 5:33 PM
This is it, it's a bit crude looking but it was only a prototype.




The layout was nothing special, I entering in the dimensions I wanted at this place (http://boxmaker.rahulbotics.com) and picked up a PDF for the box layout, then simply added a hole in the end for the power lead and the appropriate slot in the top to hold the acrylic.

Andrew Holloway
10-11-2014, 7:54 PM
I am quite impressed by this base. (I've got it bookmarked from last time you posted it).
Is there any internal support for the acrylic so it doesn't sit on an angle?

Dan Kozakewycz
10-12-2014, 4:56 AM
No, it is an upgrade that will be added to Mk2, when I get round to doing it.

Andrew Timothy
10-13-2014, 3:47 AM

Do a search for edge lit LED lighting. There have been many threads on the topic and you may come across some options.
Thanks Mike

Buddy Mooneyhan
11-12-2014, 9:16 PM
This is it, it's a bit crude looking but it was only a prototype.




The layout was nothing special, I entering in the dimensions I wanted at this place (http://boxmaker.rahulbotics.com) and picked up a PDF for the box layout, then simply added a hole in the end for the power lead and the appropriate slot in the top to hold the acrylic.

I love the blueprint! Where could I get a copy?


Dan Kozakewycz
11-13-2014, 5:39 AM
Hi Buddy

The blueprint is one of my products, my business is creating custom drawn blueprint artwork (usually for people's cars) and then laser engraving it, typically on anodized aluminium but in this demo case it can be done on acrylic too.

Here's another one of mine in the metal format on the wall:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10345808_383408618492407_718605857881458060_n.jpg? oh=232de979edba0f0e346e05e8ed42759b&oe=54E1B609&__gda__=1424648756_e857ae53209dd28d8df1600ae105154 4
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10689689_383408621825740_5455558616074485582_n.jpg ?oh=680ed34245c8be5878d515a5175d1891&oe=54EDEDB9&__gda__=1427868773_016157d6a49281eaf5f5913242ed0ad 7

I'll admit I did not draw the Batmobile though, it is available as a downloadable vector file from various places on the internet. Part of the license of use restricts me from sharing the file however, I can only use it to make products such as the blueprint.

Mark Ward
11-13-2014, 12:33 PM
They look absolitely superb Dan, proper high quality!

Quick question though, as I presume you pay/download the designs do the likes of DC Comics (Batmobile) or for general car designs (Honda, VW, Ferrari, BMW etc) not have a problem with you using their designs for the cars for your business?

Dan Kozakewycz
11-13-2014, 1:36 PM
Thanks Mark! I personally draw the vast majority of the artwork from scratch using AutoCAD (I am a CAD draughtsman by trade) but occasionally I will buy the vector artwork (such as the Batmobile) which comes with a commercial license for producing products like this. At no point does the vehicle manufacturer have any authority over it, I checked this with Ford early on and they would only take a legal interest if I used the company logo without permission.

Interstingly Fors actually said they would grant me license to add their logo on these, but at a significant upfront cost. It's something I will investigate in future.

Mark Ward
11-13-2014, 2:07 PM
Oh wow, well you've certainly got some pretty good skills there then as they look absolutely superb!

That's good on the logos too, I presume in the instance of a Ford you just put an oval in there to represent it and leave out the proper detail, it must be difficult with the likes of Audi or such like as theres is such a simple logo it must be hard to mask.
Good luck with it going forward anyway as it is clearly something that will work very well due to the quality of the product you are making!

Dan Kozakewycz
11-13-2014, 2:23 PM
The rule on logos is mainly applicable to using it in the drawing border, as if to give the impression it were an official Ford drawing. I do sometimes put the full logo on in the appropriate positions on the car where there would be badges, but they rarely come out clear enough to be legible and warrant any dispute over copyright, and if they did they would easily fall under 'de minimis' use due to their size. Generally we're talking around 3 sq.mm here on a 124,740sq.mm plate, around 0.002% of the total area.