View Full Version : Tormek on sale?

Joseph Chang
10-03-2014, 8:59 PM

I'm thinking to buy a Tormek wet grinder (I know it is pricy) to sharpen my tools. Is it ever on sale? Black Friday is only two months away and I think I can wait :).


Rick Markham
10-05-2014, 12:35 PM
Joseph, almost every ad for sales that I see always exclude the tormek and it's accessories. It's a wonderful tool for sharpening if you are in no hurry. Depending on what you are sharpening there may be better options. I use mine for my plane blades, I however don't use if for turning tools anymore. Those get ground on a Baldor grinder with a CBN wheel. I hope this helps a little!

Vijay Kumar
10-05-2014, 12:44 PM
I have never seen Tormeks on sale. At the most they throw in some accessories with the purchase. Tormeks often show up in the used market. Monitor the classified on this board on other woodworking boards.


I'm thinking to buy a Tormek wet grinder (I know it is pricy) to sharpen my tools. Is it ever on sale? Black Friday is only two months away and I think I can wait :).


John Piwaron
10-05-2014, 6:15 PM
I used to use my Tormek for everything. I no longer do that. I sharpen all of my chisels on waterstones. I get a better, sharper edge with them. What use my Tormek for are turning and carving tools and the long knives for my planer and jointer. Some of those things, like the carving gouges will get a little extra love following the Tormek. I guess i'm saying that it's very good at what it does, but it's not the last word.

Rick Potter
10-05-2014, 8:08 PM

You don't happen to live in SoCal, do you?

Rick P

Kyle Iwamoto
10-06-2014, 11:39 AM
Woodcraft has them on sale, but not very often. B.F. is around the corner, if one doesn't pop up on sale by then, Amazon does sell it now. They didn't when I was looking for mine. Free shiping may apply.