View Full Version : Arbor Bearing on Grizzly 1023

Lee Koepke
09-28-2014, 10:34 AM
I think I lost one this weekend :mad:

its been making a whining noise on power down, i re-tensioned the belts, that seemed to help, then yesterday I could smell burning and I couldn't turn the blade by hand without a lot of effort.

Took the belts off and the arbor will turn about 1/8 freely, then tight.

my question is, while i have this thing torn down, should I replace the motor bearings too? and the belts? they show very little wear. I bought the saw in 2007/2008 and its used moderately in my hobby.

I appreciate the venue to discuss this, my wife is generally disinterested in the inner working of my hunk of cast iron :D

David C. Roseman
09-28-2014, 10:43 AM
Lee, if you've isolated it to the arbor bearing, that's all I'd replace at this point. I have one of the earliest G1023s from the 80's and the motor's never given be a lick of trouble.


Bill White
09-28-2014, 10:43 AM
I wouldn't think that motor bearings have gone bad. Belt? Maybe, though just from time more than wear.

Matt Day
09-28-2014, 12:34 PM
When you say the arbor bearing turns 1/8, you mean an eighth of a full rotation then it gets tight right? That's a pretty sure sign the bearings are toast. id just replace the bearing now, unless the belts are showing aigns of wear. Belts can easily be changed through the throat plate, so by no means do you have to do it while the top is off.

Lee Koepke
09-28-2014, 12:55 PM
Yes that's what i meant. That's helpful. I can get bearing locally it's just the disassemble time. It's always inconvenient isn't it.

Larry Frank
09-28-2014, 7:33 PM
I do not know what the belts cost. I have found that at times when a bearing goes bad, it can pull real hard on the belts and even distort them. I would take a good look at them and make certain there is no issue. It is easy to do when you have everything apart rather than later when you find there is a vibration.