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View Full Version : Goin to Vegas, baby.

Richard Wolf
07-10-2005, 11:40 PM
I just made reservations to make the trip to AWFS.
I know there has been other treads about who is going. I've been trying to make up my mind about going for a long time. Now I can look forward to it.


Rob Littleton
07-10-2005, 11:58 PM
Yep, I'll be there to pick up my MM16.....the "handbrake" will be with me and we are going to be staying in Ballys for a couple of nights. Hope to see yu there........I'll be wearing the Creek hat.....

Richard Wolf
07-11-2005, 7:38 AM
Handbrake? wife? LOL


Rob Littleton
07-11-2005, 9:57 AM
Yep, the wife LOL

nic obie
07-11-2005, 2:19 PM
We're going too. I'm going to take the vacuum veneering seminar that's on tuestay. 4 hours for $70 isn't bad.

Richard Wolf
07-11-2005, 2:42 PM
I'm taking that seminar also, fits in with curved staircases and railings I do. Unfortunatly I signed up yesterday so it was $100. I'm just glad I'm going.


Bartee Lamar
07-11-2005, 4:01 PM
I have been to the show Atlanta twice.

I always take a day, go by myself and only stop at things which interest me.

Many times, the little booths are the most fun and have interesting products.

There is SO much it will surely take 2 days if you are with someone.

I spent an hour at the Laguna and Sawstops booths. Asked a whole lotta questions and got answers. I am really interested in the what the SawStop "contractors" saw is going look like inside.

It is really great because the real people from the companies are often at this show. You can get a lot of questions answered.

There is also a lot of BIG deals being made. If you get a chance ask some of the big vendors what the expect from the show. It is a really a BIG number.

I was lucky in one of the small booths to find the company that imports Two Cherries chistles. I got a 6 piece set for $100. So keep your eyes open, there are some interesting deals sometimes.

Also bring a good over the shoulder bag. This way you can collect as much as you want and not have to carry the bag.

Have fun....

Richard Wolf
07-11-2005, 5:49 PM
Hey Bartee, thanks for the heads up.
