View Full Version : Woodworking in Dubuque...lumber and sheet suppliers?

sean schriver
09-22-2014, 12:35 AM
Wow, seems like an eternity since I've made some dust! I just moved back to Dubuque, IA from Racine, WI and boy, was I spoiled up there! For my rough sawn lumber, both domestic and exotic as well as figured, I absolutely loved my candy store, Kettle Moraine Hardwoods. For my sheet goods, Alpine Lumber, hands down. In Dubuque or even close by????????????????:confused:

I have two questions as I finish setting up my new shop. 1.) are there any other furniture makers, or woodworkers in the area? (commercial or hobbyists, doesn't matter) and 2.) I can't make dust without a good source and I am sooo missing my crack dealers up in Milwaukee. Anyone have any suggestions on rough sawn domestic and perhaps exotics like KMH within an hour drive? How about sheet goods? and I'm not talking about big box store supply or their pricing/quality....You guys know what I mean....the good stuff, the secret stash.... any help would be truly appreciated. I loved hand picking my supply and every time I went, my wife knew it was going to be a 2 hour ordeal. But the guys at KMH were really awesome to talk to and extremely helpful and knowledgeable!
On a short note, I did find a guy with some incredible walnut locally!:D I use a lot of contrasting and exotics for accents if that helps any....
Thanks Guys! looking forward to sharing more in the near future!

Max Neu
09-22-2014, 5:26 AM
I would go visit some cabinet shops in the area.You will likely find one that is nice enough to steer you in the right direction, especially since you are a hobbiest, and not a competitor.

Dave Nanke
09-22-2014, 2:04 PM
Try Wieland & Sons Lumber Co - they are in Winthrop, which is probably about an hour from Dubuque. I haven't bought plywood from them, but they have a good selection of lumber at good prices.

Curt Harms
09-22-2014, 4:28 PM
You might try woodfinder. It comes up with a couple places within a reasonable distance. Call before you go, obviously. And second checking with local businesses, they might even be willing to sell you some, or let you tag onto their order.

Ronald Blue
09-22-2014, 9:43 PM
Try this link for Wisconsin. dnr.wi.gov/files/pdf/pubs/fr/FR0021.pdf just copy and paste to your browser. It has http in front of it. Looks like several possiblilities across the river from you. As I recall there is a furniture manufacture in the industrial downtown area but it's been a good many years since I have been there.

sean schriver
09-22-2014, 11:34 PM
Thanks guys for the input. I guess I'm just gonna have to suck up the drive time...even the closest woodcraft or rockler are over an hour away, lol. But...I have made friends with a couple places in town. one is a refinishing shop, one is a big cabinet shop, and the other is a very big architectural millwork shop. I think the old stand-bys will be relatively easier to get around here but unless I take the haul to some of the places you pointed out, I'll probably have a better chance of winning the lottery then scaring up a piece of birds eye maple or curly cherry around here much less anything more "uncommon". Plywood around here,...it's all basically construction grade except for a couple choices of red-oak and birch veneer ply at the box stores. Guess I'll have to invest in a veneer press, lol. Maybe I'm in the wrong profession, I should just franchise a KMH store here, but the sad thing is I really don't think there are a whole lot of woodworkers around here other than those that just do it for a job (custom cabinets, trim carpenters, etc). Would be nice to have some guys to meet up with and talk shop rather than just be in it all the time, lol...

sean schriver
09-22-2014, 11:40 PM
yep, I will have to give them a shot. not too far, but I will definitely need to work on planning ahead. A two hour round trip is too far to go for one more board when I run short for some reason. I swear boards shrink by the time I get them home, lol...