View Full Version : Rockler Lift FX...BUT.....

Justin Jump
09-20-2014, 8:47 AM
OK all, so my next purchase was going to be a router lift, to fit my extension table on my table saw, that has a Rockler insert plate.

So, due to Rockler having the goofy 8 1/4" wide plate, I was going to stick to the Rockler FX lift.

However, I now see that the FX lift does not fit the router that I have, which is the Craftsman Professional 2 1/2 HP.

The crazy part is, I probably dont mind spending the money to get "yet another" router, but the router listed for the Rockler FX are only rated up to 2 1/4 HP.

So, with that being said, I also dont have any immediate plans to spin 3 1/2" raised panel rouet bits. The only raised panel bit I plan on running is a 2 1/2" raised panel cove bit for my shaker doors, putting the cove on the inside.

Does anyone see any issues wit running a 2 1/4" HP router for the 2 - 2 1/2" range bits?

Brian Tax
09-20-2014, 10:35 AM
Not really an answer to your specific question, but I have a Rockler table, and when I upgrade to a lift I will go with this one, it is $100 more but is made by Jessem and will handle a 3 1/4 hp.


Earl Rumans
09-20-2014, 1:07 PM
+1 on the Incra lift. They make one for both size tables openings, Rockler only sells the smaller plate version. I have the larger plate version in an Incra table and I really love mine. I think the Incra magnetic throat plates are superior to the Jessem style, which is one reason I went with the Incra lift. Other then the throat plates the Incra and Jessem lifts are identical. You can add the Incra Clean Sweep system and end your router dust problems. In answer to your other question, if you are going to the expense of adding a lift to your shop, it just makes sense to me to install a large high HP router in it. This gives you the ability to handle anything you may want to try in the future.

I installed the PC 7518 in mine and it's a real powerhouse. I had a Triton MOF 001 mounted in my table previously and it's listed as 2¼ HP. Cuts that I would need to make multiple passes on with the Triton, the PC just powers through without any burning or tear out. There is a lot to be said for extra power.

Justin Jump
09-20-2014, 1:27 PM
On my way to the Rockler store after work.....

if I get the Rockler (and my Craftsman router does not fit) I need a new router - $375 ish....

if I get the Incra (and my Craftsman DOES fit) then I do not need a router - $360 ish....and I know I have a Rockler coupon somewhere....

Iread a few reviews that the Incra unit fits other touters not listed - lets hope the Craftsman is one of them.

Earl Rumans
09-20-2014, 1:49 PM
If your Craftsman router is for a removable base and is round with smooth sides, it will most likely fit. If not and the handles are attaches and such, it most likely will not fit any lift.

Justin Jump
09-22-2014, 7:26 AM
Got the Incra, thanks for the heads up. I didn't know that there was an Incra table with the same opening size as the Rockler insert.

And, my Craftsman router fits....

Have to say, glad I went with the Incra. Added BONUS was that the Rockler store honored my online 20% off. $263 plus tax.


glenn bradley
09-22-2014, 8:19 AM
You have got this figured but, just as a reminder for others reading this later; when you are choosing your router table a lot of focus is given to the table and rightfully so. It is just as important to focus on your plate choice. There is no standard although some makers will cross-fit. even plates of the same X/Y size can have different radii at the corners. When you choose your plate you are choosing your upgrade path to a lift. In my case I started with the original Rockler plates so the upgrade to the larger Woodpecker lift was no problem. Making a hole bigger is easy, its changing the shape of one that gets testy :)

Justin Jump
09-22-2014, 10:12 AM
Even though I have dedicated shop space, it's still pretty tight, especially with tehe recent addition of a griz 15" planer and 8" jointer.

I don't have any plans to move my router station to a separate area, like the picture, I plan on keeping it my table saw extension wing.

I do however have a big chunk of Corian that I now want to build a bigger and better wing....

Brian Tax
09-22-2014, 11:34 AM
Looks, good can't wait to upgrade mine, will need to keep a look out for the 20% off.

Justin Jump
09-22-2014, 12:11 PM
Looks, good can't wait to upgrade mine, will need to keep a look out for the 20% off.

It's available online......

The 20% discount code is V2611.....

Justin Jump
09-22-2014, 12:11 PM

Earl Rumans
09-22-2014, 12:39 PM
Got the Incra, thanks for the heads up. I didn't know that there was an Incra table with the same opening size as the Rockler insert.

And, my Craftsman router fits....

Have to say, glad I went with the Incra. Added BONUS was that the Rockler store honored my online 20% off. $263 plus tax.

Glad it worked out for you. You will love the lift and if you get the chance, check out the Incra Clean Sweep system. It really does a great job with DC. I also have my router mounted in my table saw but I have the full Incra system and mounted it backwards to their recommendation. I just flip the Incra fence around and it's like having a separate router table.

Table saw mode

http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u65/retfr8flyr/Saw/Saw1_zps78ff3ca1.jpg (http://s165.photobucket.com/user/retfr8flyr/media/Saw/Saw1_zps78ff3ca1.jpg.html)

Router mode

http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u65/retfr8flyr/Saw/Router1_zps61cfbc09.jpg (http://s165.photobucket.com/user/retfr8flyr/media/Saw/Router1_zps61cfbc09.jpg.html)

http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u65/retfr8flyr/Saw/Router2_zps5f6659c8.jpg (http://s165.photobucket.com/user/retfr8flyr/media/Saw/Router2_zps5f6659c8.jpg.html)

Brian Tax
09-22-2014, 4:25 PM
Wish I did not see that, the $263 is burning a hole in my pocket now.

Earl McLain
09-22-2014, 8:36 PM
Earl--it seems that you answered this for me before (or maybe i meant to ask and didn't?)...For router mode, are your stop bolts on the rails set at some specific distance from the center of the bit hole to give you a starting point on set-ups? This is something i need to get done for my table saw--but this year is getting away from me!!
earl (the other one!!)

Earl Rumans
09-22-2014, 9:15 PM
I didn't put the stops at any specific distance. I just set them so that I had plenty of travel in case I wanted to work on something large. I did add a leg under the center, just behind the plate, of the table for extra support of the heavy lift and router combo.

Justin Jump
09-23-2014, 6:43 AM
Wish I did not see that, the $263 is burning a hole in my pocket now.

Hopefully a store near by - if not they crack you for $20 for shipping.

Rick Potter
09-23-2014, 2:24 PM

To answer your other question about the 2 1/2HP router and raised panel bits...........

I did my complete kitchen about 15 years ago, red oak raised panels, with a bench top router table and a PC 690 1 1/2HP router. It worked fine, I simply made three passes for each panel. The simple way to do this was to set the fence and router at the final depth, then clamp spacers to the front of the fence. Make a pass, remove first spacer, etc. I believe my last pass was with a 1/8" spacer removed.

Now, when I do it with a big router, I still use this method, but only make two passes.

Rick P