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View Full Version : Recording dad

Moses Yoder
09-20-2014, 6:03 AM
I am not sure why I bought the recorder any more, but I have a small digital recorder for a while now. The winter before my dad died I decided to record a biography with me interviewing my dad. It ended up being 2 sessions, about 3-1/2 hours total. I can count the number of smart decisions I have made on one hand, and this is one of them. I am listening to him now tell the stories of his life in Pennsylvania Dutch. After he was gone I burned CD's for all my siblings and mom and the next time I saw my mom she said "You enjoy making us cry, don't you?" The character of his voice is very clear in the recording and floods you with memories of when he was alive. I am planning on getting my mom's side of the story this winter. I will probably do that in English, as I am conflicted about losing the history when the next generations no longer speak PA Dutch.

Joe Kieve
09-20-2014, 8:21 AM
Excellent idea! Wish I had thought to do that before both of my parents were gone.

David Weaver
09-20-2014, 10:15 AM
That was a very good idea, Moses. Very good.

I would keep a copy of that video somewhere other than just CDs, too. Digital video is a funny thing on recordable media. I guess it is in all other than archived film. Many of the digital items I burned 15 years ago are not readable, which mirrors prior experience with VCR tapes.

My parents are still alive, but I visited my grandmother by myself (something unusual for us) a few times before she died, and it was almost as if she was surprised that I wanted to hear about her life and my grandpa's life and how they lived (they were not amish, but were PA germans). I wish I would've recorded it.

Mel Fulks
09-20-2014, 10:36 AM
Yeah, Moses excellent idea. I would suggest that in labeling your efforts you use the words "German" or "Deutsch". Don't
know when I finally figured out why the Pennsylvania Germans did NOT wear wooden shoes.