View Full Version : Tool I D Please

Bert Kemp
09-17-2014, 2:12 PM
:) Could someone tell me what this tool is and what its used for. My GF had it in her gardening box and said it was for digging up weeds she got it from her fathers tool box waaaayyyy back :D.
I think it might be some kind of wood chisel, maybe for beveling edges or something. 296883296884

Maurice Ungaro
09-17-2014, 2:18 PM
Looks like a mason's tool for finishing mortar joints. I too, think it looks like an old garden tool for pulling up weeds. Is the steel any good?

Bert Kemp
09-17-2014, 2:46 PM
Looks like a mason's tool for finishing mortar joints. I too, think it looks like an old garden tool for pulling up weeds. Is the steel any good?Not sure what you mean is the steel any good. It has some rust on it but no a lot. The reason I think its a chisel of some sort is because the edges of the V groove are beveled and looks to have been pretty sharp at one time.I wouldn't think a tool use in the garden would have of need sharp edges for sticking in the dirt to pull up weeds. But hey thats why I'm asking here. I don't know what it is LOL .

Bruce Page
09-17-2014, 2:50 PM
The shape of the tip looks just like the weed puller I have.

Prashun Patel
09-17-2014, 2:59 PM
forked tip weed puller.


george wilson
09-17-2014, 3:06 PM
Prashun and Bruce nailed it. It is handy for cutting the tap root off of stubborn to pull weeds.

Daniel Rode
09-17-2014, 3:07 PM
I believe it's for weeding tap rooted plants like dandelions. I recall them being common when I was a kid. Pulling dandelions one by one is not a fun job :)

Bill Houghton
09-17-2014, 3:25 PM
Commonly known as a "dandelion weeder' around here. Custom handle; the original may have been plastic that broke.

Of course, a tool is what you turn it into; if you can find a woodworking use for it, you get to name it in its new function!

David Weaver
09-17-2014, 3:44 PM
I've got one of those with a shovel handle for pulling dandelions - with two hands and a (two-handed slightly shorter than) shovel handle, it's not so bad to use (my wife is herbicide averse....to a point). We called them "thistle pullers" when I was a kid, but I don't think I've ever pulled a thistle with them. I could count the dandelions in the thousands. Like anything else, once you get good with them as an adult, not so bad (still not as easy as spray, though).

Andrew Pitonyak
09-17-2014, 3:56 PM
Yep, one of my favorite tools (or it would be if I actually enjoyed pulling weeds), but, when I do, I really want one. I own a couple.

Don Rogers
09-17-2014, 4:27 PM
When I was a kid, we used ours to cut the tap roots on dandelions. My mother actually made a sweet/sour/bacon dressing dandelion salad which was served over cooked potatoes. I believe this is a Pennsylvania/Dutch dish. Very good !!! of course we kids were always told to not bring home any dandelions from areas where dogs frequented.
Even today I have a short-handled and a long-handled cutter which have not been put to use for many years.

David Weaver
09-17-2014, 4:31 PM
Salad and wine around here. I don't know anyone of my generation that did it, but my dad said they picked dandelions from ditches when they walked home from school, and my grandmother made dandelion wine as long as she was able bodied. We're Pennsylvania (non-Anabaptist) Germans. I doubt the Anabaptists would've done the wine, and many non-Anabaptists around us would not drink alcohol at all for any reason and have a very dim view of it.

Jim Koepke
09-17-2014, 4:35 PM
Going with the weed puller but noting there is a tool of similar form used for pulling tacks.


Bert Kemp
09-17-2014, 5:39 PM
Thanks everyone I guess its a weed puller, now I have to eat crow:(

Dan Hintz
09-17-2014, 7:57 PM
I thought you were poking fun... I've used one of those weed pullers for as long as I could walk to the garden with mom.

Stew Denton
09-17-2014, 11:32 PM
We used to call that type of weeder a "dandelion digger."


Mike Cozad
09-18-2014, 4:48 AM
This is what we called them where I grew up as well. It was also often used as a lawn dart by young boys too stupid to know better....

We used to call that type of weeder a "dandelion digger."


Bert Kemp
09-18-2014, 9:35 AM
I thought you were poking fun... I've used one of those weed pullers for as long as I could walk to the garden with mom.:DNope I'm not a gardener and don't have a lot of hand tools for wood working, my wood working tools consist of Skill saw, belt sander, power drills, table saw and stuff like that.I have a couple of 1" straight cut chisels but thats it.

Frank Drew
09-19-2014, 3:01 PM
I'm not sure what the tool was originally designed for (weeding or asparagus cultivation) but it has long been used by asparagus growers to slice the stalk below the ground. I used one for weeding.

ray hampton
09-19-2014, 3:18 PM
this will work much better if the handle was longer so the user could pull the weeds while they are standing up

Bill Houghton
09-19-2014, 3:51 PM
Thanks everyone I guess its a weed puller, now I have to eat crow:(

Well, first you need to catch the crow. After that, I'd recommend a Thai curry sauce, with carrots.