View Full Version : Southeast Tool router bits - decent or not?

Rich Engelhardt
09-13-2014, 6:16 AM
I'm going to order a new router plate from Carbide Processors.
I'll need a template and router bit also.
I can get either a Whiteside bit or a SE tool bit for roughly 40% less.
The bit is a 5/8" diameter bottom bearing.
I don't see myself using the bit for much more than this one time - but - anything's possible.

Rick Lizek
09-13-2014, 7:19 AM
Southeast Tool is top of the line serving commercial shops. We've been using their insert router bits for years. They were making insert router bits long before Amana and others. They will also make custom bits.

Robert Parent
09-13-2014, 7:40 AM
I have been using Southeast bits for a couple years and think they are top of the line quality. They have fair prices, fast shipping, and great quality, a winning combination in my view.


glenn bradley
09-13-2014, 9:01 AM
The Southeast bits are fine but, we're only talking about a few dollars difference(?). Both are made here and the inexpensive shipping from Holbren or the free shipping from Hartville could make up the price difference. I wouldn't struggle over it ;-)

Art Mann
09-13-2014, 10:24 AM
I have quite a few Southeastern Tool router bits that I use in my CNC router. They get far more use than the average woodworker will ever put them through and they have held up well. Having said that, I stopped buying them because the particular vendor I was using provided poor customer service. I started using Whiteside bits from Woodworkersworld.net. So far, I have been happy with their prices and customer service. I have used Whiteside bits for a long time and they are the best.

Rich Engelhardt
09-13-2014, 10:26 AM
$25 something for the Whiteside vs ~ $15 for the SE.

I'm pretty much just sticking the router bit onto the order to make freight ($150 for free shipping from Carbide Processors), but, I don't want to waste money.

From the sounds of it, I'm in good shape with the Southeast bit.

Bruce Page
09-13-2014, 12:56 PM
I started buying from Southeastern Tool when I bought my cnc router.
Good quality bits.

Chuck Hicks
09-15-2014, 7:45 PM
Hello Guys,

Thank you very much for the kind words and for putting your trust in Southeast Tool Bits. We appreciate all the support and will continue to provide only the best quality tooling.

Chuck Hicks
Southeast Tool

Rich Engelhardt
09-16-2014, 11:13 AM
Well alrighty then!

If the head guy of the company stops by for a visit, then I guess he's got faith in his product!

I'm willing to risk a few bucks on it then!

LOL! Story of my life though - it looks like Woodpeckers had a price increase over the weekend :(. Oh well, snooze you lose...

Carbide Processors
09-17-2014, 2:41 PM
Hi Rich,

Woodpecker's did have a price increase as of September 1st, we were just a little slow in updating the new prices. Since you had the items in the cart before the price increase I'll honor the old pricing and credit you back for the difference. You should see a credit go back onto your card within one business day.

Also, thanks for participating in our Woodpecker Tool Contest. We'll be doing many more contests, so hopefully you'll be a lucky winner in the next one.

Have a great day!

Carbide Processors

Well alrighty then!

If the head guy of the company stops by for a visit, then I guess he's got faith in his product!

I'm willing to risk a few bucks on it then!

LOL! Story of my life though - it looks like Woodpeckers had a price increase over the weekend :(. Oh well, snooze you lose...

Rich Engelhardt
09-17-2014, 3:28 PM
That's super generous of you to do that!
I really appreciate it!
That's just another reason why CP is the best!