View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
09-08-2014, 8:53 AM
8 Sep 2014

Good Morning Everyone,
The construction project is nearing an end. The floor tile went in yesterday and a lot of the wood and trim work went in Friday night and Saturday. Still been doing caulking and painting as well as trying to get many other things finished up. The MIL has moved into her apartment even though I have a few more things to get done for final touches. I don't mind working around her things for the last little bit because she's been waiting since March for a permanent place to call home. This all started in April of this year and is finally drawing to a close. I have determined that I really like working with western cedar and the look and smell of it is wonderful for a nice sun room. My hopes are to have the finishing touches done this week, have all the crown up, caulked and painted as well as the base molding finished. If all goes well, I should be able to have a motorcycle ride for "fun" this coming weekend.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Shawn Pixley
09-08-2014, 10:18 AM
SWMBO was in charge of the move-in to the club's shop, so I was single all weekend. I worked on my saw till project.


Not complete yet, but good progress. Based largely on the image below.

Jim Becker
09-08-2014, 11:40 AM
Saturday, after my normal equestrian activities, I delivered my latest tack trunk commission (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?221345-Latest-Tack-Trunk-Commission-Completed) to the client. She was thrilled and is the talk of her barn. I suspect I'll have more folks wanting them from that particular barn. Unfortunately...I have a very limited capacity to do the work! I also started deep cleaning the shop on Sunday before going to watch my daughter compete in her own horse show...


Andy Compton
09-08-2014, 11:59 AM
I had a productive weekend in my shop conversion! I started two weeks ago with a 1950's detached garage with open studs. Last weekend I ran almost 450' of wire for four 110v circuits and three 220v circuits and installed a 60amp subpanel. This weekend I insulated, slapped up some OSB walls and got a first coat of primer on. I'm hoping to throw a coat of paint on this week so I can start building some storage shelving next weekend.

ken masoumi
09-08-2014, 12:33 PM
I finally finished the trestle table ,had a hard time staining the Maple top but I finally used a water based dye and my client(wife:D) likes it.isn't that what's important?

Brett Luna
09-08-2014, 1:15 PM
The renovation of our stairs creeps along. We'll be using L.J. Smith handrails and balusters from the box store but we weren't happy with stock newel post options. We found a special order model we liked the looks of...but not the almost $300 price tag that went with it. So I decided to build it.

Click to enlargificate (http://www.brettluna.com/img/s12/v184/p1021316564-4.jpg)

I still have some details to attend to but the essentials are there.

Mike Olson
09-08-2014, 1:20 PM
organized my shed a bit and moved some less used things from the shop into the shed.
Once I finish the RAS referb i'll be moving my shop around again so I needed to de-clutter. I still need to figure out how to get rid of an entire shelving unit that I was stacking my wood cut-offs on. :(
I also found most of the parts for a dog crate I started early last winter so I may try and finish that up soon using as much cut-offs as possible.

Brian W Smith
09-08-2014, 6:17 PM
I got hit with...."we need a wedding present,this coming Tues. a.m.,being the "hand-off date"...headed to Nantucket.

That was relayed to me Sunday,....just about "kickoff" time.Freaking out,I got the box corners done along with the resaw of all the stock pcs.,and got to watch some late games.

Being Monday,....it's only natural that we had exactly three places that we needed to be,all at the same time(none of them,here)....duh.But,I got the present done,somehow?It's a Cherry,pseudo candle box,most folks just use them for incoming/outgoing bills.It's a "contract" item we make,normally make them by the 1/2 dz.....Buuuuuut,since wifeypoo forgot all about the wedding,this one was a single.

I hosed on about a 1/16" inch of CC(clear coat)....and it's under the lamps curing,as we speak.Reckon somewhere 'round half time of tonight's game,it'll get polished and boxed up.

I saw your M/C reference.......ran a 1/2 tank through one of the bikes today on the BRP.It was either that,or force a glue-up time on the above.So,an 1 1/2(hrs) of riding kept me from messing up the project.The wedding is for one of my "extended" boys.One of my sons is the best man.....you'd think they'd give a person a little notice?But,it was a good day.The clouds were hanging very low,....lots of moisture,mountains were a vibrant Green.Had about 50/50,dry to wet traction.

Bud Ackerman
09-08-2014, 10:48 PM
completed my torsion box assembly table. need to attach it to the base and build the drawers

Phil Thien
09-08-2014, 10:51 PM
Played with CNC router, mowed lawns, and worked on daughter's house (fine-tuning front door, fixing some rot, scraping/priming some windows).

John Sanford
09-09-2014, 2:34 AM
Took some 2x Douglas Fir stock, ripped it, faced jointed it, edge jointed it, ripped it again, planed it all to the same thickness, then glued it all together into a new top to replace the crappy particle board top on one of my tool stands. In short, I processed, glued up, and then flattened a panel. The final flattening involved a good bit of work with handplanes. Wohooo! I was unable to get finish on it, as I discovered the finish I had was bad, so finishing startd today.

Even better, yes, better, I got Uncle Max wired up and spinning.

Matt Meiser
09-09-2014, 7:13 AM
We're coming up on the end of our new house remodel. A contractor friend has been here closing in on 4 weeks and in that time he's painted the entire house inside, replaced 4 vanities in 3 baths, built a wall to separate a former living room and dining room into my home office and "hangout" room for my daughter, installed hardwood in my office, done some wiring, gas lines, and a whole host of other things. He's down to a list of small things and should be wrapped up in the next couple days. This weekend we finally unpacked the Mobile Attic (think POD) that has been sitting in the driveway a couple weeks. My wife and I were talking last night that we think we'll essentially be unpacked and settled in about 2 more weeks. Look for a good blip in Lowes quarterly sales numbers :eek:

Todd Henry
09-09-2014, 11:05 AM
A good weekend. Disassembled and made some temporary repairs to a garage door where some finger joints had failed (thank you 10' long pipe clamp). Sold a car for 3500 that Carmax offered 2k for (thank you Craigslist), had two people come see my Jet TS that is for sale and took delivery of a new SawStop PCS !!! Got it moved to the basement and will start assembly when I get home from a trip to the West Coast on Thursday. Am very excited.

Todd Henry

Brian W Smith
09-09-2014, 5:22 PM
Good stuff guys,thanks.We had a marvelous day,bein a Tues. and all.My bud,who helps me(it's reciprocal),spent some invaluable time this afternoon to go over some planned additions to our finishing dept. here,....From an objective,contractor standpoint.No,it's not going to be done tomorrow....we're too busy....but,it's coming.

Bruce Wrenn
09-09-2014, 9:41 PM
Did a fish fry Saturday for FIL's birthday. He's 94. Baked two lemon pies (his favorite,) and two chocolate pies for those who don't like lemon. Both kinds were complete with meringue, using home made crusts. Menu included fish, hush puppies, boiled potatoes, slaw, and lots of sweet tea. Had over twenty five over for fish fry, including his nieces and nephews. Put everything away on Sunday. Almost forgot, did usual ham biscuits for the family on Saturday morning. Right now, I'm soaking some pinto beans to make PINTO BEAN PIES for senior luncheon on Thursday.