View Full Version : Another new kid on the block

Tony Sizemore
07-08-2005, 3:45 AM
I just want to say hello and tell those of you that are very active on this list how great it is for thode of us that are just learning to be able read your thoghts ad Idea's. I have spent sometime reading up, and foud alot of the information I was looking just in things you have already talked about.
I am new to turning, but already love it very much. I have been in the Cabinet, and Furniture thing for a few years but not alot of truning. My wife gave me a class of bowl turning for fathers day and I am hooked. I am looking forward to readig all the great thoughts, ideas and sugestion you have.

John Hart
07-08-2005, 6:56 AM
Welcome Tony! There are a lot of experts around here that you can learn from their brilliant work....And there are a few goofballs like m'self that you can learn from their mistakes!!:o Dive right in!

Tyler Howell
07-08-2005, 8:19 AM
Welcome Tony

Great bunch of folks here.

Ron Jones near Indy
07-08-2005, 11:41 AM
Welcome Tony! You will find good people and good info here. :) Remember, we like pictures :cool: --but I don't have any. :(

Dawn Sunkle
07-08-2005, 12:51 PM
"Welcome, Welcome"!!

David Wilson
07-08-2005, 12:58 PM
Welcome aboard.

Gary DeWitt
07-08-2005, 3:27 PM
Any relation to Tom? see - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001744/

Tony Sizemore
07-09-2005, 1:16 PM
He’s a great actor but tend to get in a little to much trouble for my taste. LOL;)

Jean Holland
07-09-2005, 1:35 PM
Welcome Tony. Like you, I am somewhat new to turning, but I am also as new to woodworking in general. I could not get my husband out of the garage, so I joined him. I chose turning because I felt it would allow me more flexibility to demonistrate my artistic abilities....now if I could only find my artistic abilities, I could move forward. ;)

I've been turning for a little over a year and a half. Unfortunately, a large portion of that time, my lathe has been unavailable :( (it's a long story). I just picked up a little Wilton (as a stand in) and will be getting back into the swing of things. :D

Like you, I have learned a great deal from these folks at SMC! (although I give my husband a lot of credit too) They are a warm welcoming bunch and never shy of adding their two cents. I do warn you about the picture police. (I have yet to post a picture, but then I haven't been set up to do so and do promise in the near future.....) The folks here really know how to boost your moral! Then again, the work I've seen has been outstanding....some even remarkable!

Again, welcome and hope you enjoy your stay! :)

Ernie Nyvall
07-09-2005, 4:54 PM
Welcome to the Creek Tony and remember... read everything I have to write, and then pretty much go in the opposite direction. The rest of the group however, are a great bunch of help and knowledge.
