View Full Version : Tool Chest #2

steven c newman
08-22-2014, 5:35 PM
Is nearing the finish line.295408

BLO/Varinsh/Walnut Stain mix. Stinking up the shop right now...

Need to start on some trays for the inside:D

steven c newman
08-26-2014, 3:36 PM
Having either a brain storm or a brain pharte.....instead of full length drawer/trays. Maybe make two "banks" of drawers? Divide the area into a left, and a right stack. Drawers would be just enough to reach 1/2 way to the front. Maybe slide them onto runners let into the sides of the trays. Shallow drawers, just for smaller handtools. maybe even one for the 30 or so files I have. Drawer/tray sides would be 1/2 thick, with a 1/4" plywood bottom. Some could even have dividers inside them, to keep things seperated.

Do-able? Inside area is 32" by 16" or so. Maybe two inch or less for the tray's height. Happened to have a nice stash of barn Siding i can plane down to 1/2" thick. End thickness?

A look at the inside area295595

Thinking maybe right at the upright to divide thw tow sides? Everything can still be removed as needed.
295596With the trays slid back, I can grab a brace as needed
and a bit or two. May have to rethink the plane stowage. Trays could be just 1/3 of the way across this area. Not sure IF I will need trays on both sides of the center divider, yet. Might just add some places to hang items on in this end. Like the coping saws, maybe a rack for some chisels. Hmmmmm.

Pat Barry
08-26-2014, 4:08 PM
I guess I don't follow what you mean by drawers inside a box that opens from the top like yours does. Are you now thinking about cutting out the front and replacing it with drawer openings?

steven c newman
08-26-2014, 4:37 PM
Instead of trays that go from end to end, make a set that only goes over to the middle. They wouldn't have the span the entire 33" or so in length, maybe 15-16" is all. Maybe 2" deep trays, maybe 4-5" front to back.

Single Brain Cell Sketch-up says something like a tray, with 1/2" thick sides/ends and a 1/4" bottom. Maybe 15" by 5" by 2" deep. Could slide out a single tray to pick through stuff, or slide the entire bank of them to get at the floor areas. When done, just close the lid. To access to trays, open the lid back up. pull a knob to access one tray or another. May have to rig a lock bar to lock the trays in place for moving the chest around. Maybe a steel rod, through a screweye in each tray, and into a spot in the floor board. Maybe a "T" handle on the lock rod.

IF and when things stay below 90*F and 90& humidity, I can go back to cobbling on this chest. Right now, just too bloody hot.

Pat Barry
08-26-2014, 6:59 PM
Oh, I see, so you want to put a couple of rails in so your tray can rest on it and slide side to side. That should work out great.

steven c newman
08-27-2014, 11:02 PM
First, I needed a divider
Because I also intend to hang a chisel rack on this side. Next, I added the first set of rails
And put a box together. Nothing fancy, just a box. Box can slide all the way to the front. A second set of rails will be added, and another box made up. Just small hand tools for these two boxes. I like to be able to access the bottom area underneath these two sliders
Just in case I might need a block plane. Might make a tote to sit in one end or the other. Maybe even two of them. First I have to build a block for the chisels to reside in.

steven c newman
09-01-2014, 10:38 AM
Now I'm thinking ( dangerous stuff, I know) about a chisel rack along the back wall. And maybe build a short tote to sit in the rest of the space? Need to plane some stuff down to 1/2" thick, first.

Chisel racks. Match the shape of each, or just drill a round hole for some of the narrower ones? Maybe a second rack for the wide ones, along the divider board? Make a series of dados for the wide planes to sit in, then add a cover plate of matching wood?

Looking at some ideas as I go along with this chest build.

BTW: do I add a finish to the chisel racks, or not?

Harold Burrell
09-01-2014, 1:03 PM
They look good! Do you have plans for these chests? :)

steven c newman
09-01-2014, 7:40 PM
No formal plans. All done with what I had on hand. Laid out a bunch of parts, and figured out what I could use where. "Sketch-up" was my Single Brain Cell version. It will need a bit of time to recover from this one. Still digging through a pile of old Barn Siding, looking for something that looks like a tray, or chisel rack. have some White Oak, but can't use that for the chisel holders. Steel and Tannin don't play nice with each other.

Chris Hachet
09-03-2014, 11:19 AM
Really nice work-I am getting back into wood working after work on my regular job has kept me busy and away. Nice inspiration to get re started!

steven c newman
09-05-2014, 5:05 PM
Unlike Tool Chest #1, Tool chest #2 has stowage for two full sized saws296179

and a closer look at the keepers for the saws296180

Might just work.

steven c newman
09-05-2014, 11:38 PM
There is now a tote residing on the left side296190

Nothing real fancy. Hardest part was the handle
Of course, the Forstner Bit I picked out would be the dullest one. This handle doesn't go to the bottom of the tote. Did have the handle a bit high, though. a jack plane to lower the top of the hand hold.

There is also a second track on the right hand side.
the 1/2" thick track rails used to be 3/4" thick, until a scrub jack started in on them. No power planer in the Dungeon Shop. Will also do a few boards down to 1/2" thick, to make a tray to ride on the new rails.

Nope, no fancy joinery, just some screws and butt-joints

There were some pilot holes made, though.