View Full Version : New Jet Woodworking Drill Press??

Earl McLain
08-22-2014, 8:42 AM
I was flipping through the current issue of Wood Magazine last night, and saw a Jet ad for a new 17" drill press with a 5" stroke. Picture showed a paddle style off switch, and the belt cover was much more rounded than the JDP-17DX or JDP-17MF. No model number was listed. Went to the web site using the address in the ad--only saw the DX and MF. Tooled around again this morning, even clicked the "new products" link--still nothing.

Seems a little odd to run a full page magazine ad, but not post any news items. Google search brought up the DX and MF, only reference i spotted was a year-old Wood Whisperer blog about his trip to Nashville in 2013--mention that new drill press was coming but couldn't discuss it further. Just curious, though if they're going to close out the 17DX, and run the 10% off that's coming up--i may buy new instead of used!!


Cary Falk
08-22-2014, 9:24 AM
That is one fugly drill press.:D. I would guess they wouldn't give 10% off on new items. The always have exclusions on some tools. I could be wrong. For what Jet charges you would think they would put out a 6" quill travel.

Earl McLain
08-22-2014, 5:09 PM
Yep, i sure didn't find it physically attractive. I'm just wondering if it will be a replacement to the 17DX, in which case we might see a close-out in the future? Not that i "need" anything more than a 13" benchtop, and i definitely can't see fitting the Delta 18-900L in my budget--or sneak one past my "supervisor"!!
