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View Full Version : To our friends in the United Kingdom

John Hart
07-07-2005, 12:42 PM
I wanted to send my condolences, outrage and hope to our friends across the pond following the terrorist attacks in London. Please know that our thoughts are with you and we hope your healing is expeditious.

Mike Tempel
07-07-2005, 12:43 PM
Amen to that. Know that you and your country will be in our prayers.

Donnie Raines
07-07-2005, 12:50 PM
You got that right!

John Stevens
07-07-2005, 1:04 PM
<TT>This is very sad news, very sad. My thoughts and sympathy are with the </TT><TT>people of London and beyond. Those of us in the NYC, D.C. and Western </TT><TT>PA areas understand somewhat how London feels today, and our sympathy </TT><TT>is profound. For the sake of everyone, I hope London will have peace </TT><TT>and justice soon, although that won't bring back those who died, nor </TT><TT>make whole those who are maimed.</TT>
<TT>For those in the U.S. who might want to leave flowers</TT>
<TT>or attend a vigil, here's a link where you can find the addresses of </TT><TT>the British Consulates:</TT>

<TT>http://www.aneki.com/consulate/British_consulates.html (http://www.aneki.com/consulate/British_consulates.html)</TT>

<TT>I imagine security might be tight at some or all of these locations, </TT><TT>but I'd guess that gestures of sympathy may still be welcome.</TT>

Don Baer
07-07-2005, 1:07 PM
Very sad news. I too send my best wishes.

Ian Barley
07-07-2005, 1:19 PM
Thanks John and everybody.

I am not directly affected this time and nor are any of those who I hold dearest - thankfully. My thoughts are with those who have family and friends hurt or lost. I know what it is like to have loved ones destroyed by this sort of pointless act.

It is sad that there are people in the world who believe that acts like these are justified to bring about things that they want. They never are and they never do.

We have been here before. Cleverer, stronger and better organised people have tried to use this tactic on free people before. They failed than and eventually they will fail again.

Jim O'Dell
07-07-2005, 1:24 PM
keep your chin up and your resolve strong. We do indeed share your grief, as you did with us on 9/11. Our prayers are with you. Jim

Tyler Howell
07-07-2005, 1:28 PM
Our prayers are with you.

Greg Heppeard
07-07-2005, 2:30 PM
Ditto X 2 of all the above

Dick Parr
07-07-2005, 7:09 PM
Best wishes and you are in our prayers!

Randy Moore
07-07-2005, 8:04 PM
Our prayers and Best wishes go across the water>


John Shuk
07-07-2005, 8:41 PM
Best wishes and prayers. My son's playmates are there this week. I'm glad to know they are safe. God Bless all of those who are suffering.

Bruce Shiverdecker
07-07-2005, 9:05 PM
To our friends in the U.K and elsewhere, where terrorists try to intimidate through senseless violence: I know the healing will take time. I wish you the strength to persevere.


Vaughn McMillan
07-07-2005, 9:21 PM
Ditto here, too. Glad to hear you and yours were out of harm's way, Ian. Wishing all the best for those in the UK.

- Vaughn

John Miliunas
07-07-2005, 10:17 PM
I can only echo the sentiments passed on before me. It's truly a sad commentary on civilization as a whole. To all those in the UK, my prayers are with you.

Ray Bersch
07-07-2005, 11:13 PM
We are thinking of you tonight - but I know the British people have witnessed much worse and you will hold up well - God be with you.
Ray Bersch

Ken Fitzgerald
07-09-2005, 1:45 AM
To those in the UK...my sympathies, prayers and best wishes. It's truly sad what extremists of any flavor will do......

Lou Morrissette
07-09-2005, 6:29 PM
Thoughts and prayers for our brothers and sisters in the UK. Keep your chin up and God bless.


Ernie Nyvall
07-09-2005, 6:58 PM
The same from the Nyvall family. You are much in our thoughts and prayers and was very proud of what the Mayor of London had to say.


Richard Wolf
07-09-2005, 7:47 PM
Ditto to the above.

I did see a window sticker the other day that read;



Jim Andrew
07-10-2005, 9:00 PM
When I heard the mayor of London speak, I was very proud my family came from the United Kingdom. Jim Andrew