View Full Version : Emerging Bowls

Steve Doerr
08-17-2014, 8:14 PM
Not long ago I got some information about how Irwin Seidman turned his emerging bowls. Got the info and thought I would give it a try. Here are my first two emerging bowls. The wood I got in a wood swap. It is spalted curly maple that came from Oklahoma. This was a fun project and did challenge me in a couple of different areas that were new to me. At this point they have just been dipped but have not been buffed. C & C is definitely welcomed.
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Ted Calver
08-17-2014, 9:43 PM
Pretty cool, Steve. I really like that concept and you chose a great looking piece of wood.

Dale Miner
08-17-2014, 9:50 PM
Good job. The consistent wall thickness only happens when the first turning is a true hemisphere.

Nice wood to boot.

Michelle Rich
08-18-2014, 7:14 AM
super job..well done.

Steve Schlumpf
08-18-2014, 8:40 AM
Very cool! Certainly has that 'How'd he do that?' quality! Thanks for sharing!

charlie knighton
08-18-2014, 9:59 AM
like it.....well done

John M. Smith
08-18-2014, 10:10 AM
Very nice. Another one I have to try someday.

Robert McGowen
08-18-2014, 12:39 PM
Very nice work. :)

Rick Edwardson
08-18-2014, 4:38 PM
That's pretty cool. I'd love to see a post about how that's done.

Ryan Mooney
08-18-2014, 7:37 PM
Really a nice piece! I'll have to try this someday.

That's pretty cool. I'd love to see a post about how that's done.

Notice its a half sphere and consider what happes if you connected it to the lathe from the back and the bottom in squence. Dale Miners comment about consistent wall thickness is what tipped me off :D

Steve Doerr
08-18-2014, 11:47 PM
Thanks everyone for the complements. Here is a posting on how it is done: emerging bowl (http://www.woodturnersresource.com/extras/projects/Emerging_Bowl/emerging_bowl.html)

Irwin Seidman
08-21-2014, 11:19 AM
Hi Steve

I haven't logged into Sawmill Creek for quite some time and wasn't aware of your post until a friend recently pointed it out to me. Your spalted curly maple emerging bowl turned out great! Have you made any more since? If so, I'd love to see more photos.

Thanks also for crediting my earlier work and for including the link to the 2006 "Rough Notes On Turning An Emerging Bowl" post in Woodturners Resource

john taliaferro
08-21-2014, 3:04 PM
Dat is COOL.

Steve Doerr
08-21-2014, 11:28 PM
What a pleasure to have the "author" of the emerging bowl to comment on my turnings. Thank you very much for sharing your idea and process with your fellow turners. I have had such positive comments from both turners and non-turners on these bowls. Many scratch their heads trying to figure out how it was done. Sorry to say at this point I have not had the opportunity to turn any more than just those first two:( I do have a couple of pieces picked out for when I do turn my next two emerging bowls. And I'll be sure and post the results
Thanks again for sharing your knowledge,

Marc Himes
08-23-2014, 3:29 PM
Nice looking Bowl and a very interesting concept. Seeing your piece makes me wonder about other variations on the theme.