View Full Version : Specific pen blank needed

Steve Paxman
08-15-2014, 9:38 AM
My brother has very specific tastes. He has bought a number of pens from me over time. Right now, he basically wants a very black wood pen with a celtic knot, or possibly two celtic knots (one on the cap and one on the main shaft - it's a rollerball postable capped pen he wants).

I'm thinking probably ebony for the main wood, and very light for the knot - holly, or I guess maple might do? Problem is, I can't find a blank. Anyone know someone who is easily able to custom make something like that for me? I've never done segmented pen blanks before, so I'm not sure I'm up to the task of making my own blank. (I can make the pen, of course...).


Maria Alvarado
08-15-2014, 9:56 AM
Steve, if you haven't already, you might inquire over on the international association of pen turners site. There are a lot of folks capable of making such a blank (sadly, I'm not one of them!).

Shawn Pachlhofer
08-15-2014, 11:30 AM
unless you're ready for sticker shock - I would suggest African Blackwood instead of ebony - with holly for the knot. It would make a beautiful pen.

and I second the suggestion for IAP: www.penturners.org (http://www.penturners.org) - look in the segmenting forum - and ask someone to make the blank for you.

Dan Hintz
08-15-2014, 11:32 AM
Ebony and Holly are what I would suggest, too. Make sure you seal the Holly with some CA before sanding, else that beautiful white will become a boring gray. Cut the pieces, use CA medium to glue, and clamp. Knots are pretty straightforward to make.

Rick Gibson
08-19-2014, 1:08 PM
Bog oak would also work nicely for the black pen blank. I find ebony is prone to cracking sometimes months later. You could also check with these guys http://www.lazerlinez.com/proddetail.php?prod=360+Celtic+Knot He makes the pen shown in the celtic knot and you may be able to get the blank for the kit you want custom ordered.

Reed Gray
08-19-2014, 1:23 PM
I seem to recall seeing cast resin blanks that could fill that order, but not really sure.

robo hippy